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Everything posted by Anonymous_Jr

  1. I don't really like mech-jeb too much, seems cheaty :I Though the Rover mod might seem nice.
  2. That's pretty smart, Too bad I'm horrible with space craft XD
  3. I did a bit of the Tut. before I had to go to school that same morning, but only enough to finally know what the things on the Compass were. xP
  4. Thanks you guys, I posted my .craft in the OP if you want to see what I was using for my "Accident"
  5. I find it the best part is that I still have half of a tank left. I could strand them on the Mun if I really wanted too XD. Also, to anyone else out there, would y'all like my .craft file?
  6. I know I'm late to the party, but it seemed like I could never reach orbit before 0.17... I was just messing around with the EVA in space when all of sudden I realized I was almost already in an orbit. So, I did a bit of panicking and managed a pretty much circular orbit! Sadly, since I was just messing around, I don't have much in the way of pictures, but I'm pretty proud of myself. Especially considering I didn't use mods. :3
  7. Thank you so much for that Didn\'t know I could save it that way :3
  8. Would you be a dear and attach a .craft file to your reply to me?
  9. Couldn\'t we just copy the text and put it into notepad and save it as a .craft file?
  10. May we have some screenies? I\'d like to see what I\'m going to be piloting ;P
  11. Don\'t worry I\'m working on the pics, when I was testing it I tried but I don\'t think I set my screenshot buttons yet.
  12. Made these with-in 1 day of buying the full game... Screenshots in order: 1: Plane w/o Nuke 2: Taking off 3: Nice little Night time show-off 4: Plane w/ Nuke 5: The Nuke\'s Fins help with the real plane\'s stabilization. 6: In order to take off, it helps to Hold W and let in fall off runway... I don\'t know how to fix. 7: Night time show-off 8: To drop nuke without blowing up you have to fly up-side down.
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