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The Deep Space Kraken

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Everything posted by The Deep Space Kraken

  1. RTGs work to and they remove the space bar issues. Amazingly this rover landed with no broken parts. Arrange the RTGs like so;
  2. ...First, a worm is lured by the vibrations of a thumper device...
  3. ...The object was officially named on March 24, 1930...
  4. I didn't write the no damage + return bonus instructions very well so I've rewritten them. Basically your score gets doubled before you add in the no damage bonus and then you add the doubled no damage bonus. so your score is: 5522 - 740 + 60=4842 x 2 = 9684 + (88 x 2) = 9860
  5. There are mods to organize parts and the wiki has a stock parts list. wiki parts list:http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts EDIT: I just realized that every other post on this thread is by me.
  6. Adding it now. EDIT: Added the bonus, if you tell me how many parts are in your craft i'll apply the bonus to your score.
  7. Kerbal Space Program Rover Ascent chalenge Objective: With a rover, ascend as far as possible up the mountains northwest of KSC starting from an altitude of 750 meters or lower. Scoring will be based on altitude mainly with added bonuses for other achievements. Rules Completion 1. You must start from a base camp* anywhere around the mountains northwest of KSC, but no higher than 750 meters above see level. 2. You may use any vehicle you like to get to your base camp but you may only use a rover to complete this challenge. Mods 3. You may not use any mods to complete this challenge, but you may use them to deliver your rover to base camp. 4. Your rover may not contain any mod parts. propulsion 5. your main propulsion must be rover wheels. If that is not enough you may use one Rokomax 48-7s engine. 6. you may use any engine in any amount to provide down force for your rover. 7. you may put wings on your rovers but no excesive use of infiniglide *Your base camp does not have to be a base its just where you start from. Submission Rules For your score to be valid you must a picture of your rover at your base camp, a picture of your rover at the highest altitude it reached, and a picture showing your rover on the way there. Scoring Scoring is based on altitude gained after leaving base camp and bonuses you achieve. To calculate your score take your altitude and add any bonuses you achieved to it. Bonuses Kerbal bonus: add 10 points for every kerbal aboard your rover (when you are at your highest altitude). Road trip bonus(100points): drive you rover all the way to the mountains from the runway or launch pad (they must be your base camp for you to receive this bonus. return bonus(double score): return safely to your base camp after completing the challenge. No damage bonus(1 point per part on your rover): complete the challenge without breaking any part of your rover. (if you receive this bonus and the return bonus you double your entire score(without the no damage bonus)then add 2 points for every part on your rover) weight bonus: rovers over 5 tonnes will receive 10 points for each aditional tonne above 5 (a six tonne rover would get 10 points) My Attempt My score altitude: 1736m - base camp altitude: 760m = 976m + kerbal bonus x 2 kerbals: 20points= 996points - 10 points for not following my own rules = 986 Leader Board 1. SirJodelstein - 11754 2. Spartwo - 10696 3. Bothersome - 9860 4. DaveoDefeat - 5116 5. Epthelym - 5352 6. The Deep Space Kraken - 986 7. 8. 9. 10.
  8. I get the KSP website, the wiki, the Kentucky State Police, some KSP youtube videos, the space port, two websites about solubility products, a vimeo video, the reddit, and then a door lock manufacture. "KSP is a leading door lock manufacturer specializing in interchangeable cores and housings with mortise and rim designs."
  9. I read some of wiki page and it sounds cool, so 8/10
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