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Everything posted by meve12

  1. Apologies, I was responding to this: "Just cover your ship in mirrors. +1 for easier hiding from enemies without sensors, too. Not to mention if you're about to board the ship and want to make sure you want to look good, the window will serve you well. "
  2. The problem with that being mirrors REFLECT radiation, not absorb or redirect it. Even if you carefully shape the mirrors to redirect it somehow, you'll still have made yourself more visible in at least one direction. Concerning shielding particles, there are two problems: The first is density. This being vacuum, maintaining a dense enough cloud would be difficult. Maybe use magnetic particles so they attract eachother? The other, bigger problem is laser ablation and it's usefulness as a thruster. The particles may absorb some energy, but a weapon's grade laser would start vaporizing the exposed sides, essentially acting as a tiny thruster. So a spacecraft cowering behind it's cloud-wall would receive a weakened laser, depending on the absorbing and radiating ability of the particles...and then a good portion of the rest of the laser's energy, in the form of "micrometeorites" being driven along by the laser. That being said, spreading out such a cloud would make good chaff. It wouldn't be stealthy, but you can keep the gunners guessing...
  3. Have you tried and looked at the map view while a burn is underway? Are both vehicles moving when the burn occurs?
  4. This was my suggestion for saveable bus parts, but it got buried without being replied to.
  5. Maybe you could start with the terminal's ID number, then add to it for root parts? This would also mean you could run two terminals without interfering with each other's parts.
  6. Probably not. Stars work by having enough mass to crush the hydrogen until it starts fusing. You might make some hydrogen fuse if you dropped a bomb in deep enough(There's metallic hydrogen down there, which is under a butt-load of pressure), but you won't be making Jupiter supernova. That being said, you might be able to make a big enough bang to blast Jupiter's outlying layer of atmosphere right off. Which would be pretty cool to watch from a safe distance.(I.E outside it's moon system. It's gonna give "breaking wind" a whole new meaning.) Ontopic: Would fuel tanks get proper explosions too instead of just disappearing with a pop? And how the heck do you use the roll-eyes smiley face?
  7. I meant a bus part you can place on parts manually and are assigned an kOS ID number along with a part number. Couldn't you save the program as a separate notepad file within the ship save? And now someoe has to make an addon to make probes use kOS.
  8. Maybe have a "bus" part in the VAB/SPH? One that keeps a consistent/separate ID and that the computer can interact with(and with the part it's attached to. Can we program in the VAB, by the way? And have you considered using the probe parts as computers instead of being it's own part? Heck, you could make that the only way to control them if you're feeling hard-corey (and yes, that's a word now.)
  9. Decided to take "less is more" to heart. I now have a singleseat SSTO capable of a 100kmx100km(ish) orbit and return(barely). Thanks!
  10. You are aware the download on the OP is outdated, right? There's an updated version by someone else in the middle of that thread.
  11. ...Wow. Do you have any tips for making SSTOs? I have only one design and it only gets up to 70Km with barely more than enough to deorbit.
  12. Nice plugin. Any chance of metal being a resource like kethane? So's you can have remote mining locations?
  13. I don't think that was the experienced one, that was the newbie screaming. And getting her EVA pack knocked off.
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