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Everything posted by Macenzie

  1. At the moment, docking ports are not acting like staging. Which is utterly crazy.
  2. How they released this game without BASIC mechanics locked down and working is beyond me. You have to be able to rely on the mechanics working properly when you build a mission, because what's the point if something random and unaccounted for just ruins everything~
  3. There appear to be other parts that trigger this too, I had it happen with procedural farings I've tested it and found the same issue, removed the landing struts and the problem went away. I believe I've tested the small and medium legs so far
  4. Yeah, I've been landing on the Mun and Mimnus very carefully on my engine bell
  5. It seems like other items can do the same thing, I've found the procedural farings to do the same.
  6. It looks like a bug that attaching certain parts to tanks make them crossfeed. Procedural farings seem to do that too.
  7. So after a successful Mun flight (having to avoid using landing legs), I decided to move on to a Mimnus mission. After landing and dusting off, I fluffed the landing back on Kerbal so I went to reload... nothing happened. I went to the menu and all my quick saves after taking off were not available. at number #62 quicksave. Saving a manual file wouldn't work either and if I overwrote a quick save it would vanish. Also the space bar stopped working for staging.... I'm not sure whether it was the time of the game or something happening during the flight but something corrupted the playthrough, making saves unrecoverable. Sorry mods, meant to put this into bug reports!
  8. As Sea_Kerman says, it's most likely the landing struts causing the tank to drain.
  9. Any vehicle uncoupled from a mothership will have no connection to KSP until you save and reload. This is pretty easily replicated.
  10. Just to add, fairing do this too. If a fairing is touching a tank, it will crossfeed down to the bottom too.
  11. You sir are a genius and a scholar. So I removed the fareing above he upper stage tank and it stopped feeding through to the lower engines. I then removed the landing legs from my lander and the lower engine stopped taking fuel from the lander... This needs fixing ASAP, it makes fareings and landing legs useless!
  12. I do have a lander with legs, however the tank sending the fuel in my design isn't the one with legs attached. This only started happening when I added a fairing further up (to actually cover my lander).
  13. Definitely had issue 1 and 2. 1. It seems that sometimes upper stage tanks just feed into the lower stage tanks for no reason even through non cross feed parts 2. I too was doing an Apollo style mission and I had the same happen, the SAS just made the ship spin and spin for no reason. They REALLY need to get these basic things fixed, if you build everything correctly you HAVE to be able to rely on the fact the mechanics will work consistanlty. Because otherwise what is the point in playing?
  14. I'm getting super frustrated by the game mechanics being so buggy it appears to be random what will screw up my mission next. Right now I have my damn rocket feeding upper stage fuel to my lower stage engines through a decoupler that has crossfeed off. What is the point if you can't trust the BASIC staging features to work every time...
  15. I redesigned the craft, removing the fairing hiding the lander and it stopped the spinning issue. Seems certain configurations cause phantom parts.
  16. Alas, no amount of time warping seemed to correct these issues. It's not a matter of a detached part being stuck, more the game doesn't realise the part is detached.
  17. As a long time KSP player of around 800 hours or so I decided to pick up KSP 2 and go straight onto building an Apollo style mission like I had done dozens of times before. Getting the configuration right has been trial and error, especially as you can't currently use docking ports like decouplers (I hope that gets changed). I've noticed with different design iterations I've ended up with "phantom" decouplers in my staging that don't go away and if I highlight them they aren't anywhere on the ship or I see them highlight in the distance. So far this has caused 2 issues. When I reconfigure the command module to join with the lander, if I turn on SAS the whole craft just spins out of control, I believe its because the game doesn't know the where the centre of the craft is due to a part miles away and it goes haywire I managed to get to a point where I was ready to land on the Mun but the lander camera was off centre as if the centre of the aircraft was somewhere else. When I managed to land the camera would drift inwards as if a part were floating away and the camera was trying to remain centred This, in my opinion is a game breaking issue as it limits us to very simple designs to get the job done. Too many complex stages and we run the risk of botched physics ruining our mission later on. Anyone have any similar experiences or thoughts?
  18. I'm doing exactly this for my up coming video series. I'm going for a solution involving a aircraft carrier and a sea landing capable helicopter (using Firespitter)
  19. What the heck are those space suits made out of?
  20. What I mean is: Part A has a tank, you dock Part B which has an engine to Part A via a clamp on the end of the part (in the VAB you see little green spheres that snap your parts together, fuel can transfer automatically through those) Next you attach Part C to a docking clamp you placed on the side of Part A's fuel tank, since this is attached "radialy" the engine on Part C will not use fuel from Part A.
  21. One thing I've learned from making this kind of craft is fuel will only automatically transfer along the "snap to" parts, so engines and tanks attached to radial docking ports (not connected by the six way adaptor) will not use fuel from the central body. Keep that in mind, especialy if you want to have a lot of engines.
  22. Yeah I spotted that one the other day :3
  23. Have you tried using WASD to change the direction the port is facing?
  24. I find building a scaffold with the cubic struts and then connecting them to the main body using the strut connectors can drastically improve even the most wobbly-explody designs Edit: A little bit like this
  25. Steam says I am close to 400 hrs in KSP I think I have a problem~
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