I'm looking forward for co-op/multiplayer KSP. Yet as far I'm reading this, it seems like this topic is mostly Time Warp in MP. So I'm thinking about using TimeWarp in MP, this requires lots of communications and schedule to other players that a player needs to use timewarp. When a player is schedule to use timewarp from planet to orbit, all other players need to park their craft that won't collide into something and wait till player is done using Timewarp. Or if we can't use time warp then players will have to make their schedule with multiple crafts. like build 1 craft trip to jool that will require several hours or days and program their craft to orbit the planet when arrived and using another craft to work on base on Mun just to have fun playing ksp while jool craft still traveling. - Hoolgan, I think I had the same idea about the live feed. all players are in ghost mode then when 1 player puts up the spacestation then submit to the server then other players will have player1's spacestaton in their tracking station. Other players can dock their ship to player 1's station, again they all need to communicate and schedule which docking port will be reserved for players craft that can fit to certain port. I was wondering, are there list goals for project KSP+MP, like "TimeWarp", "MOD Parts", "Physics", "Players spawn on KSC" topics for KSP+MP.....etc...