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Everything posted by MDBenson

  1. Okay, I know this argument is probably intractable and will go on ad-infintium. I have this to say: This game is open and flexible, play it how you want. That's the joy of a game like this that's s blank canvas. Some people use MechJeb, some don't. Some people like Mods, some don't. Some people prefer developing SSTOs, others prefer rockets. Some people mix and match everything. That's the beauty of a sim like this. It's your baby, do what you like. I really congratulate the Squad for making the game so open and flexible that so many different ways to succeed (and fail) exist. I think everyone agrees there. --- The part below this line is only my opinion and experience --- For those that want to use it, MechJeb 2.0 is massively impressive. It actually TAUGHT me orbital mechanics. If someone had asked me what a Hohmann Transfer was 2 weeks ago I'd have looked at you gone-out. Now I can explain exactly how they work. Saved me a lot of reading I, personally, am interested in building structures in space and on foreign worlds, and colonising the system. I am not a fly-boy. I don't want to break any altitude records on 2 quarts of Vodka, I want to develop reliable and proven systems I know I can use to get stuff *up there* and build my little empire in space. Along the way I'll develop cool stuff and work out how to get rid of all my space junk, build on orbit and resupply my stations and colonies. I don't want the routine junk to get in the way. BUT that's just me, I want to play like that, it doesn't mean it's right or wrong.
  2. There's always Bobcat's Kliper Soviet CTV in his Soviet pack. Looks pretty neato. You also get a Soyuz for it so I have an excuse to use that cool 'star of Russia' booster separation
  3. One thing I'd give my eye teeth for is a good flyable version of the Dreamchaser CTV. It's so cool looking, like a baby space shuttle. I also have tried, I got the thing to orbit using MechJeb 2.0.7 as an autopilot but promptly found my plane had far too little lift when it got back to Kerbin!
  4. Hi, I have been tooling with KSP for about a week and have already (largely thanks to MechJeb 2.0) got to building stuff in orbit and all sorts of other cool things in LEO. Not gone beyond so far, I want to build orbital outposts at every place in turn then use them for staging for landings etc. It's a bit of a baby steps way of doing it but it's my way So, on to my quandary. I am using MechJeb 2.0 to autopilot my orbital maneuvers, because I am too cack-handed to do it by hand basically. I am a bit baffled by the differences in orbital launch profile. Now, I'm aware that it may well be rocket dependant and that there's a lot of complex maths behind it. I am a self-confessed match dullard, I cannot wrap my head around it. Are there any 'rules of thumb' I can apply to get a roughly suitable profile or resolve issues with profiles for each rocket by following a diagnostic routine or something? Failing that can anyone explain it in layman's terms (i.e. not descend into Einsteinian maths equations and stuff)? Thanks.
  5. I was recently introduced to KSP by a guy in a Teamspeak who was ranting about it. I'm a big space exploration geek and this is like a little dream come true for me So far I'm loving it a lot. It's a great game already and looks like it'll get better and better. Some awesome mods out there too.
  6. A combination of trial and error, following the NASA model from the 50s (baby steps, one thing at a time) and some good mods (MechJeb 2.0 is a godsend, Crew Manifset, Sub-assembly Saver and KW rocketry particularely) and being a fairly heavily into space and rocketry stuff beforehand anyway. Still it's a gradual thing but if you approach it logically. Learn what went wrong, work around it and look at real rocket systems for ideas. I am still learning a lot, especially about launch systems, but I have the stuff to hand to relatively successfully launch manned orbital flights and also assemble a modest space station on orbit. I am finding it very interesting and fun and I've learned a hell of a lot more about a topic I already am very interested in so it's been a blast (sometimes literally). Persevere is the important point. There's a reason the popular saying 'it ain't exactly rocket science' exists.
  7. I have a question for Borklund and CardBoardBoxProcessor - I have combined both your mods and CBBP's Dragon Rider capsule is slightly bigger than the Dragon cargo module. Is the scaling between the two correct? It took a few bits from the KW Rocketry pack to link the two Also, is there any chance of getting proper edge-connection working for the first stage tanks? Making F9H and F9SH analogues shouldn't be too hard with that turned on. I tried shanging the attachRules in the part.cfg and it doesn't want to attach edge-on, it turns the element through 90-degrees and plays stupid.
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