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Posts posted by asae

  1. In regards to the ideas needed. this may be turned down due to things said in the thread in the past but I'd personally like to see a bigger carrier flight deck that can work with/like the catamaran setup. I understand it's not really designed to land things and even a deck that small will be hard to hit but it'd assist with building proper light carriers rather than the drone carriers that you have already. 

  2. Do you understand the word "tautology", too? Because you're trying to convince me that he said "when I update it for 0.21 it will of course be compatible with 0.21" which is a pointless and needless tautology. Since it couldn't possibly mean what you interpret it to mean, it's perfectly reasonable for MR.Mac to arrive at his conclusion.

    If that's not what was meant, then the real issue is people who don't say what they mean, and mean what they say. Can't blame the listener for an error in the transmission.

    As for the thread title? there are a lot of 0.21-compatible mods that have old thread titles that remain to be updated. If you spent as much effort trying to understand people as you do trying to correct them, you'd be more useful.

    I see one glaring flaw with your idea, .19 mods are completely incompatable with .20 or even .21, due to this, and your lack of reading comprehension, you have completely mistaken what tyberion had said.

  3. Harv did say that the new Save structure (which is just moving day for CREW line group and VESSEL line group) breaks the save from 0.20.2 or earlier, but can be converted to the compatible version. Create a save file first, then follow the example to move everything in the old save. Or, just use the save converting system (Where is it anyway?).

    0.21 changed both SAS and save structure, 0.20 changed the loading system (so that everything except mods dated 0.19.1 or earlier must runs on GameData folder).

    And please, don't mind me for the talking.

    With Respect to you, and appologies to tyberion this will be the last time I derail this, the save structure and the file structre are different. The mod file structure set up in .20 has had no changes in .21, as such adapting the file structure of an older mod to .20+ effectively makes it work in .21.

  4. Ok, I personally prefer mechjeb for two reasons: it gives me an option for an autopilot in the situation where I don't want to repeat the same launch over an over, and it gives me technical information that, yes I could get otherwise, but would prefer as I get it from mechjeb. 90% of the time I have mechjeb open is to see what the information on my craft is.

  5. I have mechjeb, I use the ascent autopilot for incidences where I need to repeat the exact same launch over and over. A good situation of this is when I launched 21 satelites in 45 degree orbits perfectly spaced apart. Other than that though I use it only for the information and smart ASS, no other reason than that.

  6. Have you watched the C7 demo video? If you do you will see the intended behavior. Many of us are not getting anything close to that behavior. In fact c7 uses the words "lock onto that new heading" several times in the video, and thats what it does. His space station even swings back to the place he released manual control, very similar to how the old SAS behaved, it did not just sort of slow down and stop in a random place.

    So if the guy who built it says its designed to hold a heading I am going to go out on a limb and trust that that IS the intended behavior. What I had was nothing of the kind, not even in the neighborhood of holding a heading. It was akin to steering with your knee while drunk from the passenger side.

    Not only have I seen the video I have read through this entire thread twice, an discussed this before. The SAS since the hotfix is rather great but may I remind you that the video did NOT include rapidly spinning designs that have been the source of complaints on this thread.

  7. Well we can start with you telling us what you think the purpose of the SAS is and whether you think it performs that role as intended.

    I have said this once and I'll say this again, SAS is not meant to as an autopilot but a stability helper, the old ASAS was not this it was a killrot, that is not an SAS. Tighten up this SAS a bit more and it will be rather like how I imagine SAS should be.

  8. I'm going to have to agree with brabbit on what was said first. There are way too many people here who are used to the Lock In place Asas and are unable, or unwilling, to adjust to the new SAS system. If I'm wrong kindly show me without attacking my word. If you are unable to do so I will just lump you with the unwilling crowd.

  9. But why in hell would Squad think we wanted that feature removed? removing a function is downgrade not an update.... or are we really supposed to get excited that KSP no longer does something?

    I respect you greatly there mulbin with your creations but Squad did what they thought was best, fixing the actually buggy 'point here and get stuck or ripped apart' ASAS with something that is closer to what it should have been. This is what they invisioned to begin with, we just got used to the bad implimentation.

  10. This.

    What is the point of SAS if not to hold heading? If it won't use the tools available what is the point of even turning it on?

    The point of SAS is NOT to hold heading, it's a stability system, it's to aid manual flying not to make you point in just one direction, that's what an autopilot does, and before people go off on me, yes that's what an autopilot is meant to do, maintain heading.

  11. My plane will not hold a heading in vacuum under a tiny amount of thrust. How am I supposed to do orbital transfers like that?

    Re-learn everything you know about flying in KSP it seems. You are one of those who are too used to the 'will keep heading even if it rips ship apart' asas.

  12. I do believe the problem here is everyone who is complaining is way too used to the agressive ASAS that they can't adjust to the absolute lack of ASAS in general (just sas now). Everyone has to completely redo how they fly otherwise they will never get the benefit of this update.

  13. The electricity needed to run the probe core would make sense as a life support of sorts to keep the brain alive. But then again what about when the electricity runs out and is restored later?

  14. In case you hadn't noticed, I started the thread to ask exactly that - I'm just sick of people making jokes that eve is purple because it's gay or full of grape juice, etc.

    Odds are you will never get a straight answer until the devs decide to release why the planets are the colors they are. It's just a fact you have to live with. Oh and a tip: don't be so serious, it tends to push people away from liking you.

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