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Everything posted by Toshogu

  1. ...... yes I have the craft pointed in the correct position and the heatshield is installed correctly =P it's the temperature that is killing my heatshield it melts in every situation no matter the orbit I hit 10k degrees and it all just melts. The only situation in which I have been able to successfully reentry is by sticking some radial engines on the pod with a small tank and burning retro during the decent to slow my speed way down. But that doesn't make sense to me. I did reading on the Apollo program to see how they did it, and it was just like my pod. chute, pod, heat shield.
  2. Heya, just installed Deadly Re-entry. Stick a heatshield on the one man pod and have been trying to successfully land it. Re-entry pod is, Chute, pod, heat shield. I ditch everything else after I make the burn for re-entry orbit. 70k to 35k orbit = death 70k to 50k orbit = death 60k to 50k orbit = death 55k to 50k orbit = death 100 to 50k orbit = death 100 to 35k orbit = death 100 to 10k orbit = death No matter how shallow or steep the angle of decent my heatshield and pod burn up in reentry. KSP v.21, newest deadly re-entry, romfarer docking cam, procedural fairings, kethane, mapsat, and that's all the mods I run. Can someone help me?
  3. Mission 5: Disaster Recovery, Detrimental Scientific Discoveries, and Manufacturing and Technological Advancements Objective: Redeploy disappeared satellite network, build and design unmanned test capsule for atmospheric re-entry tests Background: Jank Co. Aerospace Division, and Kerbal kind were delt a devastating blow in the last week. A revelation in scientific knowledge has led to the disaperance of previously existing orbiting crafts. Satelites orbiting mun, minimus, and kerbal. Along with the International Kerbal Space Station and Fueling Depot "Zues", have gone missing. Leading physicists are scrambling to find and explanation. In related news a devastating discovery called "Thermodynamics" by Physicist Ialdabaoth Kerman was announced. Leading governments tried to suppress and destroy the report before it was distributed but were unfortunately they were to late. With kerbals now aware of thermodynamics they have been set back in their attempts to conquer space. Plans for a manned mission to the mun have been suspended till engineers and scientists can tackle the new problem of reentry. Good news is that along with these discoveries, advances have been made in SAS software, engines, and other parts. Vehicle Series: MGS Mk. I (Survey Satelite) Unmanned Test Capsule Mk. II Complete Log of Previous Missions
  4. Love 21.1 great additions game headed in a good direction. New thing with ASUS using electricity is awesome. Still wish electricity management was more important. ie. lifesupport, more things that run off of electricity in science/utility tabs. meh, if thing uses electricity it means it is a thing that does something, need more things that do something, like idk.. sensor packages... telescopes... robotic arms... cameras... servos... stuff =) Like those attitude fins those should use electricity. currently they move using magic. I know with the addition of mineable resources we'll have more stuff that runs off electricity. Either way, gj with 21.1 keep up good work.
  5. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=nasa%2c+docking+maneuver&FORM=HDRSC3
  6. Put a craft with a docking port in orbit, flew it's sister ship, figured out how to match orbits. spent 5 tries not even getting close. Looked up what all the symbols onthe navbal were. 3 more unsuccessfull tries but alot closer now that I understood what the symbols were on the navball. And then after that just started docking stuff. Once you understand the meaning behind all the colored symbols on the navball suddenly it all starts to make sense and you understand the direction traveling in relation to the object you are trying to dock to. Makes everything so much easier. Cause the first couple of tries I was just eyeballing it look @ my craft, look at target burn in direction I thought I needed to go. With the navball and the target m/s information I know exactly in what direction I'm going and how fast and how to correct etc. Docking is now as easy as 1,2,3. I can dock any craft in any horrible rcs configuration in under 5minutes. In a well balanced craft, I can do it under a minute. To make it a challenge I like to bump what ever I am trying to dock to first so it spins, and then that takes me like 10min to dock too. But it's all about matching speeds and directions and once you understand the navball and it's symbols it is a piece of cake.
  7. Mission 1: Assay of the Internation Kerbal Space Station "Zues" Objective: Launch of the purpose built "Mini Explorer Mk. 1" to assay the IKSS "Zues" Background: Jank Co. Aerospace Division, continuing it's goal of making the IKSS solvent again, launches a mission to the IKSS to determine it's worth to the program, or how much scrap they can get. This being the first manned mission all the astronaughts wanted to e the first for JCAD. Managemnt unable to hand the volume of requests unplugged the phone. Price point being the most important of factors, Bill Kerman being the least paid in the organization was given the dudy very grudgingly (He told management he'll fly it for free). Vehicle Series: Mini Explorer Mk. I Pilot: Bill Kerman
  8. freak out, then call the government. After that, offer with one hand bread, and in the other hand a sword.
  9. Please find a log of Jank Co. Aerospace Division / International Kerbal Space Agency missions Jank Co. Aerospace Division take over announcement Jank Co. Aerospace Division IKSA Cyclops series Satellite M1 Jank Co. Aerospace Division IKSA Cyclops Series Satellite M 2&3 Jank Co. Aerospace Division IKSS Zues, exploration ission. m-4 Jank Co. Aerospace Division Winds of Change m-5 Jank Co. Aerospace Division Scientific breakthroughs and disaster m6-7 "Eh....... It gets the job done"
  10. Mission 2&3: Cyclops series satellite Objective: Launch of a JCAD Cyclops series satellite into orbit of Mun and Minimus Background: After the successful launch, deployment, and testing of the Cyclops Mk. III satellite over Kerbin. JCAD Proceeded with the design of a new launch vehicle to put a Cyclops series satellite over the Mun, and Minimus. Using a 4 stage launcher they successfully made orbit around the mun with plenty of fuel left. Engineer Toshogu made the determination that the same launch vehicle should also make it to minimus with no problems. Vehicle Series: Cyclops Remote Pilot: Francis Kerman MIssion Log Complete Log of Previous Missions
  11. Nah, been playing this game for a month or two now, decided to stop experimenting and make some goals. Never played with those fancy "load calculators" or cheater "mechjeb". So I've been guesstimating load weights, and spitballing my delta-V. First serious try @ putting a k ethane satellite and my guess work paid off. Half the fun is wrestling the crappy rockets I make into orbit.
  12. Mission 1: Cyclops series satellite Objective: Launch of a JCAD Cyclops series satellite into Kerbal orbit to test functionality before making a launch platform for Mun and Minimus Background: Jank Co. Aerospace Division, was ordered by the Jank Conglomerate, CEO Heiffen Kerman to quickly monetize and find revenue sources for the currently bankrupt International Kerbal Space Agency. Full-time managers, machinists, engineers, and scientists were laid-off in short order, and replaced with part-time workers, The contract for IKSA flght software was discovered to be an Kamerican company called Mechjeb. Jank Co. Execs discovered this and immediately terminated the contract. When asked why "Good software costs muney, test pilots are cheap" Work like software and manufacturing that could be outsourced to Kindia and Khina for slave wages were. Development of a cheap launch platform for commercial satellites was fast tracked, Along with the development of a Kethane and mapping satellite to begin preliminary surveys of minimus, mun, and Duna. Cyclops Mk I was scrapped immediately for being to heavy and expensive weighing in @ 2 tons. Mk. II had weigh balance issues. Mk. III was considered good enough. Launch vehicle tests commenced. Vehicle Series: Cyclops Remote Pilot: Francis Kerman MIssion Log Complete Log of Previous Missions
  13. JANK co. Aerospace Division Is proud to announce the acquisition of the International Kerbal Space Agency. As recent headlines have revealed IKSA had become insolvent due to bad investments in Brondo futures. Jank Co. being the world's leader in cheap solutions was approached and glady accepted a multinational agreement to take control and ownership of the IKSA. Our newly opened Aerospace division will be take control as of July 26, 2013 and will begin an audit and restructuring of the IKSA. Our goal as with all our products is to provide cheap space solutions and products, from satellite deployment to exoplanetary travel. The following is a list of project goals for the next couple of years: 1.) Launch satellite systems to local moons to scan topography for alien artifacts and recently discovered resource kethane 2.) Refurbish old International Kerbin Space Station 3.) Build a mining facility on the Mun or Minimus which ever is cheaper. 4.) Develop a cheap and reusable passenger ferry for IKSS and Mun 5.) Fire Bill Kerman 6.) Begin preliminary explorations of Duna We look forward to working with the International community in expanding the horizons of Kerbal kind. Jank co. motto "ehhhhh.... It gets the job done" Complete Log of Previous Missions
  14. can't create a new thread in mission reports, was hoping to start one, but discovered I can't? Is there anything I need to do?
  15. Because you are docking you have matched orbits. relative speed of both objects are the same. Nothing would happen immediatly. decay of obit would be slightly faster I think, but since the bigger mass already has the required acceleration for orbit and joining with the less mass object, energy from both gets put into new bigger vehicle. nothing really changes. bad explanation. but close enough.
  16. it's so our computers do not have a heart attack and die trying to render the game
  17. Kerbals do not mate, they divide. Hence the same last name for all of them. If taken as a whole they could be considered a single organism
  18. That there is nothing to do with all my electricity
  19. Three Munkies Inc. Is proud to present it's line of single passenger to LKO Space Planes. Spirit of Kerbal SP-22 SP-23 All three are able to get out to my refueling station in LKO idk they seem inefficient, but these three are the only designs that I can get up there. Ideas?
  20. International Kerbal Space Program
  21. oh, the saves are fine, it's because of the new file architecture that my creations are no longer valid. The files call for parts and things that are no longer where they used to be. =P
  22. We have learned a hardlesson with the update. This being my first update... having used mod I have lost the use of all my orbital stations and vehicles. Till game goes into a stable build I shall limit myself to the stock game. My fueling station is gone all my hard work gone =(
  23. I'll throw money at an honest to goodness Expansion, but screw DLC $5 for the new rocket engine and -fluffy bunnies- like that. I'll drop another $20-40 for an old school expansion pack. depending what the added content is. 20+ new parts +new planets +new places on old planets, +new missions. etc.. etc.. -fluffy bunnies- $$$ DLC. I'm an OG, and I remember when companies didn't try to -fluffy bunnies- you for every penny.
  24. Kerbin Orbital Refueling Station Zeus, Currently has 10 Kerbins living there. Holds 57k Liquid fuel, 70k Oxy, 7k MonoProp, Robotic Arm for easy fueling and refueling of station and other craft, and a docking port. Just finished fueling the station on Friday and have been using the station to refuel my last three missions to the moon. The weight savings of being able design craft that burn most all their fuel in getting to orbit is awesome. No more cumbersome designs!
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