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Everything posted by GreenWolf

  1. 4/10, images make it impossible to read the quote.
  2. How well does this work on a normal scale kerbin system "out of the box"? I noticed in the Real Fuels topic that Nathan said using RF on stock-sized Kerbin drastically reduces the amount of rocket needed, but it never specifies if this is just for the RSS configs or for RF in general. If it doesn't work out of the box, what would be needed to het it to work, seeing as how KIDS hasn't been updated for 1.0.4? Second, is there any way to replenish the number of ignitions an engine has left? I remember there being a mod that did that using KAS back when RF used Engine Ignitor, but I can't find anything like that now. Finally, how does this interact with the stock ISRU system?
  3. There's a few that make the list. Just about any fluorine compound that's not a salt. Anything with large numbers of nitrogen bonds. The pure forms of alkali metals and halogen gases. However, the most dangerous chemical that I, personally, have worked with is probably HF (hydrofluoric acid).
  4. If you can move the ckan.exe to the KSP folder, I assume you are able to navigate to said folder manually, yes? If so, jist right click on one of the files within the KSP folder, select properties, and in the properties menu will be included the path to the file. I recommend doing this on ckan.exe, as this will give you its exact file path. Then just do cd ~/filepath/ mono ckan.exe where filepath is the path to the file.
  5. Oh man, sorry about the lack of updates guys. I actually have Chapter 14 written up (and have had it written up for a while now) but forgot to post it. Then 1.0 hit and broke everything, basically killing this AAR. I might end up posting Chapter 14 to give this some proper conclusion, but the promised sequel will probably not happen. What will (probably) happen is a new AAR. It won't be a sequel, since I'll be starting in a new save. It won't be a reboot or a remake, since I'll be telling a different story. But it just might be a spiritual successor. Sorry to leave you guys hanging like this. Stay on the look out for the conclusion, and keep your eyes open for the successor.
  6. Congrats on finishing the circumnavigation. It was a very enjoyable read.
  7. Any life we find outside of Earth is going to be unlike anything we've ever seen. That's kind of the definition of "alien". Also, Europa is sitting nice and pretty in the middle of Jupiter's radiation belts. It's probably a sterile ball of ice. Titan is where it's at.
  8. 4 I lock this thread. Game over everybody, time to go home.
  9. I wouldn't judge you for it. But I will let you know that the 2.5 meter fuel tanks have the best fueled mass to dry mass ratio in the game.
  10. Comic Sans is love. Comic Sans is life. Comic Sans is your friend. Comic Sans is watching you.
  11. You can't stop the signal!
  12. In fact, these things are covered. Now, to be fair to you, they are mostly covered in the comments of Rocket Punk manifesto and SFCONSIM, but they are covered.
  13. You don't need a three degree wide corridor, if the heating system is anything like DRE. In real life, when you're returning at eight kilometers per second or more, yeah, your margins are pretty tight. But when you're coming back at only two kilometers per second, like in KSP, you really don't have to worry that much. In my experience with DRE, you have to actively try to burn up your ship on reentry from LKO.
  14. 8 Writing in comic sans is too much effort
  15. The apocalypse. The apocalypse is happening.
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