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Posts posted by Trueborn

  1. Custom Biomes 1.7.0 is now available.

    Alt Download

    Source Code

    It turns out the new changes weren't that bad, so after some trial and error here is my final release of Custom Biomes, version 1.7.0. Although this version retains my original biomes, the new default for all save games is the 'Disable' set, which will not load any biomes. You will be able to look at all the new biomes, however. As previously stated, if anyone wants to continue development just let me know. But from here on out I will not be developing this mod any further. Thanks.

  2. As I stated yesterday, I don't have the need to continue development because I was just waiting for stock biomes to come along to the other planets. I realize that other people do, and that's why I am offering it up for someone else to continue development if they desire. There is still a chance that, after I get SteamGauges 0.90 issues worked out, I might take a look into the new biome changes and post one last update, but it will get done more quickly if someone else takes over. I do appreciate the support, and I'm glad you've gotten some use out of my work.

  3. Custom Biomes is not compatible with KSP 0.90. The good news is, there should be a biome for all of the stock bodies. Also, it looks like they made the entire biome system a bit more robust, which will be good for the future. However, as I don't personally have any more need for biome replacement, I will not be continuing development of Custom Biomes. If any of the planet addition/replacement mod makers would like to continue development for their own mods, please let me know.

  4. Is there a way to remove the "CB" button in the task bar, upright corner ?

    Button is not needed at my level

    Yes, but you have to change a line in the config file. Go to your KSP install directory, and open the GameData folder, then CustomBiomes, then PluginData, then CustomBiomes. Now open config.xml (using the text editor of your choice), and change this line:

    <bool name="GUIEnabled">1</bool>


    <bool name="GUIEnabled">0</bool>

    Save, and start up KSP. You shouldn't see any part of the custom biomes UI.

  5. I think I got it.

    It's the wrong path.

    For you guys with the same problem: My workaround for the moment: Create a GameData Folder in KSP.app (right click on KSP Application -> show package contents -> create folder) Move the CB Folder into KSP.app/GameData/

    So for my reference, what is the path you used to have it installed in? /Applications/KSP_osx/GameData/CustomBiomes/...?

  6. I think the first post should mention how to use the mouse input feature, since there is barely any gui besides the checkboxes in the options window and it's not discoverable. The basic points are:

    • When enabled, mouse input can be done by dragging the mouse over the center area of the HUD. Window positions obviously must be locked, otherwise it will move the HUD window instead. Input can be toggled between Rocket or Plane modes affecting either Pitch/Yaw or Pitch/Roll.
    • Enabling mouse input adds a minimized mode to the HUD where only a center mark is visible until mouse is pressed down on it to activate input and more elements appear. This mode is available even where full HUD is not accessible because of career limitations or being in Map mode etc, and the hud toggle button also cycles through it.
    • Input is calculated from the distance between the mouse cursor and the center mark of the HUD. There is a sizeable dead zone (the center is indicated by a cross like mark) and the input curve is slightly nonlinear to enable more precision near zero.
    • When SAS is active, mouse input adjusts the orientation it tries to keep instead of directly appyling input. This target orientation is made visible by an additional mark.
    • Holding right Ctrl when pressing the mouse down temporarily inverts the Plane/Rocket switch until the mouse is released.
    • Holding the modifier key (left Alt or right Shift depending on OS) when releasing the mouse adds the current input to trim instead of simply resetting to zero.

    Added to first post.

  7. Hey I realy want to use this mod but I can't get it to work.:confused:

    I would love to help, but I'm gonna have to ask you to be more specific. My first thoughts are to make sure it is installed correctly (in the GameData/Steamgauges folder), and you also have Blizzy's toolbar installed. If both of those are installed correctly, you can look through your KSP log and look at the Steamgauges section and see if it is throwing any errors.

  8. noob question: do all contracts adapt to the custom biomes (explorer this biome on duna sort of thing)

    Honestly, I haven't looked at that yet. If anyone does see contracts populating with new biomes please post it here. It is quite possible that they would, but it just depends on when/how they look at the available biomes for the contracts system.

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