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Everything posted by Jwmflying14

  1. Hey guys, I am running, on windows 8. Mechjeb works as far as all information menu's, and menu screens. It even works as far as planning nodes. However, I am having trouble with it not controlling the craft at all. Auto-stage, prevent over heats, corrective stearing, etc... It DOES however control throttle... Any clues as to whats wrong and/or how to fix it? Ps, it is [0.22] Mechjeb 2.1 Pss, I just enjoy messing around in sandbox. Thanks AGAIN, for all your guys help!
  2. Hey all, is anyone else having some trouble with mechjeb2 and launching to rendevous? Mechjeb 1=8.whatever.whatever did a great job of getting within 1-3km. For some reason after installing mechjeb 2 it only gets me in the same orbit. (yes I am launching to rendevous, not orbit plane) Also occasionally it skips right past T-0 and does it quite a few times in a row! I am not sure how to fix it...
  3. Well I figured it out. Ling story short I had the program saved on my desktop, as well as an external hard drive so I could take it with me. I bought a new laptop last night and when I went to take the program from the hard drive to my laptop I noticed the folders aren't missing on the external drive, only my desktop! Anyways, now it works, and I assume the major problem was the missing folders.... Thanks for the help! Ps, I dobloaded 1.8 (i think), and I don't seem to have docking assist menu on mechjeb....is that on V2 or....?
  4. Hey guys, after getting pretty successful with KSP, I realized I still wasn't successful enough. My orbits were usually 50-75k off from the apogee to the perigee, which was making it almost impossible for ME to dock or build any solar system... not to mention try and match that orbit everytime... So I downloaded Mechjeb. My problem is that Mechjeb doesn't show up in my Parts menu Here is what I noticed when moving folders. I do not have the "Patcher_data" "Plugindata" or "Plugins" folders in my KSP folder. These simply were not there when I installed it. (I believe I have the newest version, 1-19-1-(1) is what it shows up as.) So anyhow, I decided to simply create a plugins folder and drag the .dll over to it. Then I dragged the parts folder(s) (each individual parts folder) into the "Parts" folder under KSP. When the program loads and shows the bar at the bottom of the screen I see mechjeb parts flashing by as it is loading, however while building a rocket non of the parts show up in the control, or any other tab. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! PS Here is the picture taken from the MechJeb Installation guide on the Spaceport, you can see the 3 folders I am talking about that I do not have.
  5. Hey guys, newbie here. I was having trouble getting a perfect orbit, and my orbits were always about 50k difference between apogee and parigee. This alone made space stations and the sort difficult to build. So I decided to download Mechjeb to help me in my learning curve. So I downloaded the zip, extracted files, opened the plugin, and dragged the .dll to my KSP folder. When I dragged to my KSP folder I noticed two distinct things from the tutorial videos I have seen, first no plugins folder, secondly I do not have a "plugindata" folder, nor a "Patcher_data" folder. So I went ahead and made a "plugins" folder and dropped in the .dll plug in. I then went to the parts folder (in the recently downloaded zip) and dragged all of the parts (folders) into the "Parts" folder on KSP. All looks well, the "mumech_mech...." folders all show up in the parts folder. However, when I start the game I see in the loading bar all the mumech_..... parts flash as they load and as the bar goes by, yet when I build a rocket none of the parts show up. They don't shop up in "control" or any other folder. Any Idea what I did wrong or what I may be missing?
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