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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Since this is still working properly in 1.1, could you please simply change the version number on spacedock so we can use CKAN? Thank you very much for this awesome mod!
  2. Yep I get the same. I am not using ANY other mods. Tried it with a completely fresh install of KSP OpenGL gives me weird problems, but I still haven't tried using DX11 or 64bit KSP. Will try that if I can find some time and then report back
  3. You can change camera modes with "V", and you can reorientate the camera to the direction you are looking by pressing "Space". http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings
  4. Most real life mining equipment has to be cooled aswell in one way or the other. The problem in KSP however is, that we have no proper dedicated tools to cool something down like radiators, water cooling and so on. Using parts like solar arrays and especially small wings work, but they seem hacky and it can't really be intended to attach 16 wings to an ISRU so it works without overheating (works really well btw).
  5. Hey! I love this mod and hadn't many issues so far. The biggest problem is when playing in career mode, Kerbals are losing XP, crews are listed as assigned even if they are already recovered and sometimes all astronauts (btw I have like 25 even though no one hired any) go MIA and I can't hire new ones because I am above the limit (firing all the ones MIA solves this but then all XP is lost once again). Then at some point later, some of those MIA are suddenly available again. This being said, we are not using the same Kerbals and it affects even those not used by anyone. These things seem to happen seemingly randomly when launching/recovering missions, synching or someone connecting to the server. Has someone managed to find a pattern and how to avoid this? Maybe some kind of workaround or steps to help reduce this happening. Thank you!
  6. Hey guys, I already made some rockets but I never used the 6 way "Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector" part. I wanted to build a space station and I tried to attach it on one side to my station core and on the other 5 sides docking ports, but I can't seem to get anything attach to the sides of it, just the top and bottom. Is there a setting or something that I need to do so I'll be able to attach parts to the sides? I can put parts at the sides of fuel tanks and so on, but there are no snapping points. With the HubMax it just won't snap Thanks, Cake
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