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Everything posted by skipan

  1. thank you. i didn't know about the trim controlls . sometimes i activate physical time warp while stearing. that was it.
  2. After a couple of minutes every rocket randomly starts applying any combination of yaw, roll and/or pitch. it's completly gamebreaking. The bug doesn't dissapear after a game restart. It's bound individualy to each rocket. For example: Rocket x = +30% yaw and -100% roll Rocket y = -50% pitch Rocket z = still working fine I hoped i could fix this by using my joystick but it the joystick controlls are translated relative. So if the bug steers with 40% yaw i constantly have to steer -40% yaw to make it 0.
  3. This is my Kethane "Explorer". It has a Kethane Scaner and 3 Drills / Converters. With 3 Rocket and 3 (Kethane powered)Jet engines it can fly on any planet. I managed to fly it to and on eve. how ever the jet engines are to weak there and i had to fly it "hybrid". http://imgur.com/a/v8STr#0
  4. can i create functions with parameters and return values or is this just line by line scripting?
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