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Everything posted by gerryrbd

  1. Hi! I'm getting consistent hard crashes with this mod on Linux. The screen turns black, game is unresponsive but audio keeps playing on a loop, can't do anything but reboot. This does not happen without the mod, nor with with EVE 1.10.1-3 (the latest "maintenance" version). no, NEW INFO at the bottom! This occurs consistently a short while after launching a rocket (around the time when leaving the atmosphere), when changing to map view, staging, or just moving the camera a lot. KSP: (LinuxPlayer), max graphics settings. Mods: EVE-Redux1.11.2.1 , Spectra 1.4.0, Kerbal Alarm Clock. I found this in the logs, the only error(s) but not placed last on the log, may be related: Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Atmosphere.CloudsPQS+<DelayedCheckForSphereInactive>d__28.MoveNext () [0x00046] in <568c46e2e01a42a8a864ad4995b1e66e>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0 (same message repeats several times) ---------------------------------------------- EDIT: This crash also happens with EVE maintenance 1.10.1-3 and original EVE So, EVE in general. The difference is that with Redux this happens consistently after a while in the atmosphere, while with the others I can launch and deorbit some stuff before it crashes. These crashes never happen without EVE, even with Scatterer installed which I had been using alone without issues, before replacing it with EVE, and which I reinstalled to check if it would ever crash by launching and deorbiting stuff and it didn't. I did find this in the logs after using it: Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at scatterer.MainSettingsReadWrite.saveMainSettingsIfChanged () [0x00005] in <db4451e6c1fd443c8b762a77e1ee9797>:0 at scatterer.Scatterer.SaveSettings () [0x0000b] in <db4451e6c1fd443c8b762a77e1ee9797>:0 at scatterer.Scatterer.OnDestroy () [0x002a1] in <db4451e6c1fd443c8b762a77e1ee9797>:0 ------------------------------------------------ SECOND EDIT: I did some more testing, all with EVE-Redux1.11.2.1. By using only the following config (with the relevant textures ofc) the game did not crash after several launches to LKO and long deorbits: However, when I replaced that config with this one, the game crashed during the first launch, before landing: ------------------------------------------------- System info: OS: Linux 5.10 VoidLinux rolling 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) RAM: 7923 GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 (4096MB) SM: 50 (OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 460.39)
  2. You could just remove CTT and do something like // AtomicAge Tech to Stock Tree @PART[radiatorRadialLarge] { @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion } @PART[radiatorRadialMedium] { @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion } @PART[radiatorRadialSmall] { @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion } @PART[nuclearEngineKANDL] { @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion } @PART[nuclearEngineLANTR] { @TechRequired = aerospaceTech } @PART[nuclearEngineLightbulb] { @TechRequired = aerospaceTech } @PART[NuclearJetEngine] { @TechRequired = aerospaceTech } with Module Manager
  3. Just as a followup, I added and swapped a lot of mods, included ModuleParachuteFix and this time everything is working well - I haven't encountered the issue I mentioned after several launches (and the lag spam is gone as well . The only mod I have not reinstalled this time is RemoteTech, but it'd need more testing to point at it as a possible conflict. Another thing i did differently was to include the Plus' dll even if I disable its functionality in the cfg files. Thank you for sharing these fixes, they help tremendously!
  4. No, I only copied two files: GameData/StockBugFixModules/ModuleParachuteFix/ModuleParachuteFix.dll and its homonymous cfg file, and I set "plusEnabled" to false in the cfg just in case. I was having issues with the log files so I kept deleting them, if I ever need to install the fix again I'll be sure to make backups.
  5. Hi! I installed the Parachute Fix and while it solved the immediate problem i'd been having with log spam with a specific vessel, it caused glitches with the spacecrafts I launched later - the camera would suddenly get 'stuck' in place as the rockets go on up. I had *only* installed the parachutes fix from the pack, the 'Plus' configs were disabled, and I was running DistantObject Enhancement, Engineer Redux, Joint Reinforcement, DockAlignment Indicator, Notes, Procedural Parts, RemoteTech and ModManager, with a handful of other part mods with no dlls. Removing the fix's dll and cfg solved the problem and reinstalling it would make the issue show up again. I checked the logs and I couldn't find anything unusual... Luckily the aircraft with the quirky chutes became a fireball so I don't have any issues right now, but I thought I'd provide some feedback.
  6. Hay muchos mods dedicados a eso! Si, tenes que cambiar todo para tener suficiente deltaV y recursos y que todo se ajuste a las nuevas escalas, al final es un lio de mods pero por suerte hay varios packs preconfigurados: Empeza por Real Solar System que transforma Kerbol en el Sistema Solar, y checkea RVE RSS Visual Enhancements que hace que RSS se vea realmente genial (es el mejor pack visual que he visto). Recomiendan usar Realism Overhaul con RSS, imagino tendran las configuraciones que se necesitan para poder jugar con las nuevas escalas. Vas a tener que leer bastante igual (todo esta en ingles, sorry...) para hacer que todo funcione. Creo que si usas CKAN lo podes automatizar un poco
  7. Nice!! (Been a while I see :-P ) I'm checking it out now, I really like the scripts!
  8. Like many others I do not like Curse one bit, but the spaceport was a mess... Mod titles not updating so you didnt know which one was the real thing, mod search was completely broken as it would display a lot of unrelated stuff often through several pages, long outdated mods still showing up all the time... I hope modders stick with github/mediafire/dropbox/etc
  9. @WhiteOwl : I've been really enjoying your KSP Rescaled series, i subbed to your channel only a couple weeks ago but ive been through most of your KSP (and Factorio's) content in that time - few 'let's players' take their time and actually enjoy what they are doing while showing all the good stuff these indie games have to offer. Really looking forward to more videos! Ive only played with the stock Kerbol system so far and I'd really like to try that 6.4 upscaled config, though looking at the dV requirements it seems i'd have to 'rebalance' most of the existing (vanilla and mod) parts to bring the tanks and engines in line with the new config, so i can still go to other planets and do crazy stuff without too much launches and orbital assembly... Do you have a special config for that in your playthrough or am i just thinking lazy? Well you could always install an LXDE linux distro (which only take 200 to 300 mb of ram and are FAST) to make up for that pc's lower capabilities, and then you would not need to use ATM to play the game, even with a few mods! Make sure to install the texture reduction packs in that case tho
  10. Thank you Cybutek!!! Woo it's a big relief to see this updated! I've been using this plugin for several months now - for information display you just can't beat KER on practicality and performance. Now to try the new version out, keep'em coming!
  11. Hello i'm new to RT, will Module Manager be required or could we do away with it if we don't want stock parts to be modified? I see on Github it says "Patcher to fix Unity GUI interaction with EZGUI" in modulemanager.dll's description, so it could be doing something else.
  12. I've replied in the thread suggested by Majiir. Could it be mechjeb after all?
  13. Can't wait for the update! I've been holding back on launching probes almost entirely since the announcement... NEED TO SET UP THA RELAY NETWORKK! No pressure
  14. It must be an incompatible Mechjeb "module" then... I switched to MechJeb when I updated to 0.21 (I guess it would happen, eventually! ) since Engineer Redux has started having problems and it looks it's not gonna get any more support now. So to get the same features than with KER I disabled ("blacklisted") most Mechjeb modules in the part cfg file. I've been flying since then, both Kethane and Mechjeb installed, and haven't had any problems. So blacklisting could be a temporary solution...
  15. My kerbals have been in space so much time they should all be named Polyakov! WOW STILL mind that statement, my friend. Political correctness is a must.
  16. Ive delved into that subject for months now, and all ive come up with is this: -DO NOT run KSP along with a composting window manager. Unity probably has one. They are implemented differently than windows gdm and its software counterpart, and they WILL slow your game down. Use Openbox/LXDE/XFDE/MATE and/or disable it. -USE nvidia's threaded optimizations, which only work for the propietary driver (forget Nouveau, it's not meant for gaming) - this will give you a nice boost to fps. -Some distros handle CPU power states in a weird manner, prefering power-saving states over performance modes. Check that your CPU is running at full power when running the game. -Disable the driver's vsync ("sync to vblank") and cap your fps from settings.cfg instead. -Some mods are coded with only Windows in mind, not Linux. A mod that doesnt appear to hurt fps on Windows may do so on Linux. Check with and without them - I've had problems with mods using large amounts of png files, for example. -Linux's issues with KSP apparently stem from CPU-intensive workloads. Try reducing terrain detail if FPS are not yet high enough. Finally, purely graphics options shouldnt make for a noticeable slowdown. Crank them up and enjoy the view
  17. Well i keep hoping that when the update goes live, we can copy our ("de-manned") ships in persistent.sfs and paste them into a newly generated save game... If not, I think its a final goodbye to my already-questionable sanity
  18. LOL "I would be furious at the game, cursing every moment I had spent on it, but hey - that space station wont build itself!"
  19. I love the grid and for me it has been a complete replacement of the 2d map. Not to mention linux still has some issues with KSP's png files and the fewer we need the better. On a side note, I would regard with unreserved and profuse gratification any further development of kethane catalytic reactors; such as radial engines, airospikes, and the like. *Profusely*
  20. Jajaja lo reconozco SinPistones, el suyo es "harto" peculiar soy de la Patagonia y cruzabamos muy seguido la cordillera hacia las regiones de La Araucania y Los Rios. (Increibles paisajes!) Cuando hablaba con alguien nos entendiamos perfecto, ahora cuando queria entender lo que estaba hablando otra gente se me hacia un entrevero..! Buen artículo! Rendez-vous es de lejos lo que mas me costo aprender en KSP... El secreto es, como detallas en el blog, saber leer la navball. Seria mucho mas facil si "translation" a traves de RCS estuviera bien implementado en el juego. Si no tenes una nave con un balance exacto translation no funciona, y para cuando uno esta en orbita es probable que los tanques esten vaciandose asiq no hay forma...
  21. Foro en español! Y recien me entero que la mayoria de los devs son latinos! Buen trabajo gente! Tambien me alegra ver tantos argentinos y uruguayos, estamos lejos pero aun asi presentes En un año aprendiste español, yo no quiero imaginar cuanto me costaría aprender turco! :-) Ya lo intentaré! El español una lindísima lengua (aunque pienso que los españoles hacen un uso más elegante de ella, al menos en comparación con los nosotros los argentinos ), y abre puertas a un mundo de culturas. Ahí te mando un mensaje!
  22. Yea that would be a good compromise. I think even if the mod is well balanced, with time "long timers" have automated the process so thoroughly that Kethane becomes too easy to aquire and want more of a challenge to get their hands on this supossed "unobtanium". Depth could work, as you described above. It'd require more ships/infrastucture and more planning, but only for those willing to put the extra effort. Dunno how this added complexity would fare for performance though... I did get quite a few stutters when upgraded to 7.0..
  23. That's a good idea This may be going a bit too far but how about a mini game while we wait for the tanks to fill up? Like "find the depth of the deposit" and some button tapping involved. I'd never stop drilling..! Just throwing 'it at the wall to see what sticks here... We're gonna drive Majiir nuts one of these days
  24. Man I usually think I build nice ships until i log in to the forum... I really dont know how you put all that stuff into orbit...
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