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Posts posted by Sandworm

  1. true, you wont see that much glow and color, but it still looks great.

    and i am working on a 4096 version

    I don't know. I used to do a lot of backcountry skiing. Up high and in cold air you really can see things like that. There is a definite glow to the entire sky. The view from aircraft isn't the same. They vibrate too much and you look all the little stuff. On a moonless night, 20* below zero, above 2000m, say 10km away from the nearest road ... it is a totally different sky. Then the ISS whips by like a fireball in comparison.

  2. I;m working on a mission pack, but am having trouble with parts goals. Setting requirements for stock parts is easy (ie partName = longAntenna) but I cannot figure out how to set requirement for mod parts (ie partName = kethane_highGain). In fact I cannot seem to set requirements for ANY stock part.

    Is this an error on my end or is this a coding issue? Is MissionController only looking to the squad directory for parts names?

  3. Really enjoying the mod. Thanks for keeping it up and going. My only issue are the "naked numbers" in the mission guidelines. It would say "Min apoapsis <some number here> ??" Meters? Km? feet? Small detail but made it a bit confusing trying to figure out what the mission was trying to tell me to do.

    This is a space simulator. Spacecraft are metric. KSP is in metric. Therefore all distance numbers are in meters and/or kilometers. There is no need to clutter every readout with extra labels.

  4. Those secret government payloads are far and away the most costly part of the launch. The biggest NRO launches, the "battleship" approach to recon sats, are worth upwards of 1,000,000,000$ and can weigh over 100,000kg. Basically, they are just big antennas attached to orbital datacenters for processing intercepted communications, as opposed to the "bent-pipe" sats used by telcoms.

    One thing that KSP is missing, and this mod desperately needs, are inert payloads for delivery to specific orbits.

  5. Be careful about adding/requesting features from this mod. I think Nobody44 moved too fast in responding to feature requests. This only encouraged new ones and put off mission authors/planners who couldn't keep pace.

    I would also hesitate on any feature involving the recycling of material and/or craft. Very very little of anything returning from space ever goes back. Shuttle and ..... well ... just Shuttle. It's far cheaper to build a new craft than design/fly/clean a reusable vehicle. Fuel is certainly never reused. In fact returning from orbit with fuel is so dangerous that, if anything, a penalty should attach.

  6. Glad to see someone taking the toarch on this one. I did a couple mission packaged for the old version.

    I also had trouble with "unsupported methods" but after installing a bunch of ancient decoders I managed to extract it. As this is f/oss, here is the file in rar format (more common than zip imho).

    MissionControllerextv0.11.rar -

    For ubuntu users wanting to extract the original zip, run this...

    $ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full unp rar unace lha unrar unzip

  7. Hand flying is for saving lives, not flying craft. Nobody would EVER hand fly a rocket launching a communications satallite under any circumstances. The tolerances just do not allow for human error. If the autopilot fails, a button is pushed and the rocket explodes. The same is true for manned flights. If the autopilot fails on launch, the entire team goes into recovery mode, abandoning any hope of achieving the precise orbit required of the mission.

  8. I hate adfly and other link-redirectors. Too many security issues. Minecraft modders used Megaupload/RG and other services to make a few bucks. There is nothing illegal about using them that way. Whether this forum wants to allow it is another matter. Squad may also take issue as it would pull traffic away from the spaceports. But there is nothing stopping people from using such services on other forums. It's all up to the mod creators to decide how they want to distribute their material.

  9. The problem is that the entire map starts jittering. It's quite noticeable even without the Kethane grid. The same ScaledSpace exceptions appear. No, it's not a Kethane bug, although it may be a MechJeb bug; I've narrowed it down to either MechJeb or stock.

    Since it's not a Kethane bug, there's really nothing I can do to fix it.

    I am also looking closely at MJ2. The problem is that the bug is so intermittent that coming to any conclusion over which mode is responsible takes hours. Kethane is still on my list, but so is MJ2.

  10. Mousewheel/drag bug in map view --> Null Refference Excemption

    I thought it was kethane, I thought it was novapunch, I thought it had to do with quicksaves... but the only reliable means of causing this bug comes from targeting during a SOI change.

    Test: Build something and shoot it at the moon. On approach, before SOI change, target mun. If Mun is targeted at SOI change, a kracken strikes the map view. Rotating the view via right-click+drag or scroll wheel becomes shaky and unpredictable. This also plays havoc with the Kethane overlays if installed. If Mun is not targeted, the bug does not occur. The relationship to quicksaves may have to do with targeting, but I am unfamiliar with the details of how targeting is handled during save. The relevant log file shows this....

    [LOG 13:15:54.208] setting new dominant body: the Mun
    FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
    [LOG 13:15:54.252] [Orbit Targeter]: Target is null
    [EXC 13:15:54.252] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    At change of SOI the targeted object (Mun) becomes no longer available (ie null). Thereafter, every mouse move in the map view causes a "[EXC 13:16:20.483] NullReferenceException" that I suspect is linked to the more detailed exception above.

    Can anyone else confirm these results before I push a proper bug report?

    (Getting Squad to acknowledge a linux bug requires screaming, and I don't want to start that without absolute confirmation. :)

  11. Similar bug to one a few posts back (shrinking geo map) but this is an expanding one. I believe the problem to be kethane-related. Everything runs fine, for a while, then the mouse scroll / view rotation becomes shaky. The kethane map expands and contracts wildly. This pick is while it is expanding. Sorry about the big pic, but it needs to be big to see the grid properly. The grid continues well outside the kerbin and doesn't align with the planet's center. In fact the camera appears to be inside a misplaced sphere at this moment.


  12. It seems the Linux Mousewheel bug is back. Or it's probably more accurate to say they forgot to add the fix from last time to this version.

    I'm getting strange mouse behavior, but not the previous bug. The problem is intermittent, but sometimes rotating the view (right-click+drag) becomes very unpredictable. It seems as if it doesn't know where the center of rotation should be. Zoom via the scroll wheel also jitters. This makes the game very difficult to play. Reloading the save, or starting a new one, doesn't help. Restarting the entire game does help, but only until it happens again. Is this the new scroll-wheel bug or is this not linux-related?

    I had thought this was related to kethane (strange overlay behavior) but it happened on a clean install.

  13. But see, KSP has no official ETAs, so it can't be "delayed," only put out later than some people suspect it might come out. For example, I suspected it might have come out after the marathon this weekend, but it didn't. No problem, it's not like they were going to release it right after the marathon anyway.

    Movies do have soft release dates and delays, but they happen before the public sees the ads. Many a movie buff has been angered when the movie they have been waiting months/years for gets delayed or put on hiatus during post-production (ie bug fixing). TV-shows also. There is always great speculation as to when a new TV series will be broadcast into a given market. Take Sherlock. The ratings experts argued for months before releasing it into the US market, by which time all the fans knew the plot (he survived the fall) and millions had downloaded the series illegally.

    Delays for technical reasons are fine. I thought this was an alpha game but if Squad wants to act like it isn't then that's their decision, but don't expect the community to be so forgiving of bugs in releases that spend months behind closed doors. If turns out they are timing the release for marketing purposes, that's not good.

  14. Well, there would never be a cracked versions of KSP as KSP has no drm to crack. My point was just that by keeping people in the dark Squad is playing a dangerous game. Just like a movie that is delayed for whatever reason, with so many people wanting it and so many people already with copies, piracy happens. A reviewer shares his copy with a friend, or is hacked, and Squad looses control of the release ... just as movie promoter send pre-release material to academy members only to see those copies be shared weeks before the theatrical release. I would much rather them avoid this gamesmanship and just release the dev versions as such, preventing the need and the hype.

  15. Oh it's hyped. In terms of public relations, silence is speech. Squad is playing this like Evel Knievel did a crowd. Silent delays. Failure to quash rumor. Leaked footage from insiders (ie the wave of recent youtube reviews). They are allowing, if not encouraging, expectations to build to a fever pitch. This is how you market entertainment products. You allow customers to let their imaginations run. And just like every over-hyped movie, expect disappointment.

    The really interesting questions is this: With 0.21 already in the possession of reviewers, will some version appear on ThePirateBay prior to the official release?

  16. ......and?

    Because this directly impacts Squad's relationship with the community. A tiered system of releases, cutting edge material for a certain group and monthly releases for the masses, creates new dynamics. Take the subject of this thread. The vary existence of a "media team" incentivises reviewers such as Mr. Manley to act favorably towards the developers, lest they not be granted access to pre-release material in the next round. The inherent trust and inclusiveness of an open Alpha is gone. I would like Squad to return to a more open system whereby the community is kept more up-to-date and we can forget all this hype and guesswork.

    That doesn't necessarily mean more/faster releases. It means more, and more specific, information about exactly what we should expect, good or bad. What is currently in and what is not. What do the linux/mac builds look like? Should we expect a drop in FPS during launches given the new KSC? If we are all alpha testers, we shouldn't be kept in the dark about such things.

  17. Just search this forum for "linux" and "scroll wheel" to see what I am talking about. The last version was released with such a massive, undetected, bug that it quickly became obvious that Squad had not done any proper linux testing. This was such a snafu that they re-released previous versions to quiet the screaming. There also appear to be serious issued with KSP .20 and ubuntu 13 (see the linux comparability thread).

    But my real issue is the tightly controlled release of information. KSP is no longer an "alpha" game if there exists a cadre of testers and reviewers held back by non-disclosure agreements. We are all now beta testers of a beta game. So no more "it's still in alpha" because the version released to the community is no longer the alpha version. The developers have their development versions, the alfa tesing continues behind nondisclosure, and we are all playing the BETA.

  18. Media teams? I think this puts the nail in the "alpha" coffin. Alpha games do not have media plans for an incremental release. They do not ask reviewers to release teasing vids. That is a characteristics of the developed games who need to build hype and speculation to drive an early wave of sales before the full reviews come in. Alphas are meant to be more open. Squad has time to gather and make deals with vid creators, but doesn't have time to give us a solid features list?

    What I find most troublesome is that the news surrounding this release seems too controlled. We are missing something. I have yet to see any mention of the linux build, even in the bug reports. I would hate to see it released untested, as happened last time.

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