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Everything posted by sumghai

  1. Yeah, this has been an issue of contention. A cursory glance and some quick arithmetic suggests it is indeed possible for the bunks in the Hab module to be horizontal without adversely affecting shower/toilet/galley/exercise area placement. The main problem is determining viewport positions - I suppose I've had this fanciful notion that each sleep station has a viewport to allow its Kerbal occupant to look out into space / planetary surface, and I had a feeling that having horizontal bunks would result in strange viewport placement. Looks like I'd better start a poll... Now that you mention it... R0.03.2a Blender model files and textures
  2. He lives! I look forward to seeing more progress
  3. That's correct. However, in-game reload does at least cut back significantly on the number of complete restarts. Another option would be to have a separate KSP install stripped of nearly all its parts except the ones you need for testing (plus Hyperedit to get your mod parts to distant locations).
  4. Progress Report, 6 August 2013 Another IVA mockup, this time for the Hab module: Fig 30 - (WIP) FusTek Karmony Habitation Module IVA mockup In order to increase the living area available, I had to expand the galley and exercise area out sideways by extruding out the sides of the standard corridor and directly to the pressure hulls; floor and ceiling heights remain constant, so that these modules would still be usable on planetary surfaces. consequently, I have determined that there is enough room for a stationary bicycle after all (yay!). Some of you may notice the dinky little fridge under the food heater and beverage dispenser, as well as a distinct lack of a pantry - the vast majority of crew provisions will actually be stored in the Logistics module, only taken out of their storage lockers on an as-needed basis. Rest assured that unlike the real ISS, cold brewskis are just as easily obtainable from the beverage dispensers as warm or hot drinks. One other aspect not shown in this mockup is that one of the crew portraits will (by popular request) be inside one of the sleep stations. A bit of a shame that Kerbal postures in IVA are currently limited to "sitting at a command seat", but I'm sure I can bundle the Kerbal up in a sleeping bag with no mesh colliders. These three mockups I've made to date should help me get started with standardizing some key dimensions, as well as possible prop placement. Time to hit Blender!
  5. We'll see At the time of writing, nothke hasn't been logged in since June 25th. He last visited the KASPAR thread on June 13, and up until the 25th he has been working on the DROMOMAN robot arms pack. Let hope that he hasn't lost interest, or at least he has plans to pass on his WIP to someone capable of finishing it off for him. I uploaded a stealth patch a few days ago renaming SpareParts to RocketParts. Have you tried downloading that first before asking?
  6. tek, try this: - Launch the game - Go to space center scene - Go to VAB/SPH/flight and do whatever tests you want - Go back to space center - Open up the debug menu (Alt-F12 in Windows) - Go to Database tab - Click the reload button - the game will stay running but reload any changes to plugins and parts - Repeat steps 3 to 7 until you're satisfied with your plugin edits This should be able to speed up development time by cutting back on unneccessary restarts of KSP
  7. Odd - changing the "met" values for each of the missions has no effect, even when using very large number of seconds equivalent to several months. Perhaps there is a another field that stores the flight time / launch date for each flight?
  8. Progress Report, 5 August 2013 Time to start thinking about IVAs! I did some mockups for the Karmony Logistics and Mk III Node modules in SolidWorks first, as parametric modelling is good for determining key dimensions: Fig 28 - (WIP) FusTek Karmony Logistics IVA mockup Fig 29 - (WIP) FusTek Karmony Node Mk III IVA mockup The general design inspiration for these interiors comes (naturally) from those in the real ISS's USOS segments, especially the Unity/Harmony/Tranquility nodes, therefore for the most part only a narrow cuboid of corridor space (with the obligatory beveled edges and the stepped recesses for the hatches) will actually be accessible to Kerbals. The remaining space will be for monopropellant and batteries as well as faux storage lockers for crew provisions and equipment. A fair amount of time was devoted to determining the optimal bulkhead thicknesses and devising structurally sound joints, as these would indirectly affect the dimensions of the interior layout. Special care was taken near the hatches, as I envision some sort of clever pull-in-and-slide-away design preferable to swinging panels blocking access to drawers. For clarity, details such as the actual hatch mechanisms, light fixtures, standard environmental controls and microgravity handgrips were omitted in this mockup. Obviously, to keep poly counts and draw calls low, only the innermost faces will actually be modelled in Blender. These are temporarily highlighted in a rather loud shade of mauve*, which will eventually be replaced with a FusTek'd version of the USOS interior aesthetics (white panels with blue trimmings). *Not exactly the panty-twisting, dinky di aussie way of doing things, but still, a sensible approach nonetheless.
  9. To be honest, I'm still trying to make sense of the proportions fusty used in making his original Karmony modules. A cursory glance suggests that the Unity/Harmony/Tranquility has the side docking nodes offset towards their forward end(s), whereas the Karmony appears to be 33% longer and has the side nodes centered along the length of the module. The proposed Karmony microNode will be about the same size as the Kuest Airlock while still retaining the side docking nodes; however, it will have much less monopropellant stored internally due to its reduced size.
  10. Still doesn't excuse you from doing so. Restart KSP and see if that still happens.
  11. The Jeb's Big Stick mod by Greys will allow you to directly measure parts in-game.
  12. Must be a borked version - updated and reuploaded. There's no need to be that abrasive.
  13. I'm currently in the process of recreating all my prior flights from 0.20 in 0.21, and for the most part have put most of my probes in the right orbits. I've decided I wanted to tweak the persistence file to give some sensible gaps in time between missions (e.g. I launched my first satellite on a particular day, followed by a second one a week later and a crewed flight a month after that), and so far I've managed to set my current time in-game to Year 2, Day 77, 12pm (UT = 38146267.2401094). However, I seem to be having trouble editing the timestamps for the flights themselves - is it the "met = " field for each flight, and if so, what units of time is it in?
  14. One way to dock at two locations simultaneously is as follows: - Have MechJeb on both vessels - Set the first vessel to dock with the the second vessel at one location - Very quickly switch to the second vessel - Set the second vessel to dock with the first vessel at another location Both craft would "wriggle" their way towards each other trying to keep both sets of docking ports aligned, and will result in 95% probability of success. This is how I docked massive trusses to my space stations at multiple points.
  15. I think I know why I am seeing the max crew, and you guys are not - it's due to the update from 0.20 to 0.21. In 0.20, all stock crew pods were defined in their CFGs as "CommandPods" - the min and max quantities are visible. In 0.21 all stock pods are now re-defined in their CFGs as "Part" - the max quantities are now hidden. If you download the latest B9 Aerospace pack for 0.21, you'll find that bac still uses the old CommandPod reference (along with the new SAS), so you WILL see max quantity. A workaround would be to manually edit all of your pod CFGs in 0.21 from "Part" to "CommandPod", then the numbers should show up.
  16. In the bottom right of the part description popup in the VAB/SPH, there already is a field for Crew Capacity (for parts capable of holding crew).
  17. Actually, as I've said many, many times, we don't even need a new plugin - CBBP just needs to tweak his animation file and change the order the PartModules are defined in his CFG. The solution is really quite simple, is reliable and would take less than twenty minutes to implement.
  18. Interesting idea - I'll definitely look into this in the distant future. Would be useful if heating/cooling effects became relevant to the game. I used to use the Balka Solar Wings from CBBP's Kosmos pack - very large and two axes suntracking just like the ones on the real ISS. However, when switching between flights, the Balka's animation states are not saved correctly, resulting in retracted panels that still track the sun and generate electricity. I offered CBBP a workaround (namely, to slightly alter his model in Unity and tweak his CFG), but apparently CBBP is so furious that KSP didn't support multiple animations per part, he's vermently refused any requests from users to fix it. I'm tempted to make my own version with proper animation state saving, but that will be for R0.05a/R0.06a. I wouldn't really consider the original K1 to be a truss, given that it has the appearance of thick metal slabs. Right now I'm using Semni's THSS truss parts, but a whitened lattice truss system with a flattened trapezoidal profile would be quite nice. But we'll see. *Massive sigh* In order to ensure compatibility with fusty's original parts, I had to keep the recessed docking port attachment nodes, which necessitated multiple convex colliders - a single concave collider would have better performance, but it is general knowledge that KSP does not support concave colliders. Other than that, the geometry of the modules are simple cylinders with tapered ends and the occasional recess; the fancy panelling are just normal maps. R0.01a/R0.02a had some performance issues with complex colliders, and I've done my best to optimize them. Any more optimizing and the parts would become completely unusable. But I think your biggest problem is that you're using the WRONG approach to space station design - you are not supposed to build the entire station in one giant ungainly assembly in the VAB. Rather, add docking ports to each individual module, launch them separately and then dock them in orbit. What are the specs of your computer, and what mods do you have installed?
  19. Despite the moniker "Station Parts Pack", people have also used these parts for building everything from planetary bases to interplanetary spaceships.
  20. Stealth patch for R0.03.2a uploaded CFG change only - this removes the last of the old 0.20+ RCS / Torque code left over in the Kirs and Kuest modules If you do not wish to redownload the whole pack just for this fix, you can edit the appropriate CFGs and delete the appropriate lines.
  21. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I'll probably will still try to find a workaround. Stealth patch for R0.03.2a uploaded CFG change only - this removes the last of the old 0.20+ RCS / Torque code left over in the Kirs and Kuest modules If you do not wish to redownload the whole pack just for this fix, you can edit the appropriate CFGs and delete the appropriate lines.
  22. Technically speaking, the Karmony Node Mk III variants are six-way docking hubs. Also, do bear in mind that the FusTek modules are based on the Unity/Harmony/Tranquility nodes in the US Orbital Segment (USOS) of the International Space Station, whereas the stock 1.25m / udk's 2.5m hubs are more of a Russian Mir flavor - the two styles cannot be reconciled, even with a simple re-texture. So no, I don't think I will be making a Zvezda-style hub. That said, I am thinking about making a shorter version of the Node (Karmony microNode?), but that'll be after the R0.04a IVA internals release. Yes, I have observed this as well - especially in 0.21+ with the Reaction Wheels disabled. The GE-06 RCS block from the THSS truss pack also suffers from this issue. It seems that having a monolithic thruster assembly with ports symmetric about the main rotational axis causes problems with the game's lever arm-based algorithms. The solution would be to either make the thrusters separate (thus defeating the purpose of reducing part counts), or having a new plugin handle RCS rotation.
  23. I'll definitely look into this later today, and upload a stealth patch - the full-length crew-capable Karmony modules and the Kupola should be the only ones that have SAS / Reaction Wheels.
  24. R0.03.2a released - see announcements thread for download link R0.03.2a 2 August 2013 --------------------------- Changes: - Compatibility Patch for KSP 0.21+ - Karmony series modules and Kupola now use SAS and Reaction Wheels - No change to monopropellant reserves; future releases will include RCS thrusters built into selected modules - Karmony Parts Warehouse Module now uses RocketParts resource, to reflect changes in the OrbitalConstruction Redux mod by its author
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