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  1. The only issue I have noticed was the prices for several of the tanks being negative when empty. I have enjoyed the mod otherwise, and discovered a couple of good trade routes. I fixed up the prices for my own use, if you would like to see what I did, just let me know.
  2. So if I compile the mod properly, it should otherwise work fine, correct? Also, is the old radial drill still fully present other than the model, and properly functional if enabled/provided said model?
  3. 11564 is the price of the vehicle with no RocketParts in the "Multipurpose Resource Tank L", which is the only part there from the Hangar mod. Edit: it costs 11113 with no battery and no RocketParts, and 79113 with the RocketParts but no battery
  4. The fresh save worked fine, I confirmed the 0 funds in the Persistent file itself, science is unaffected, rep was already 0, the meter did stay zero, and here is a new log with debug active https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfb50w27c1v1nw1/output_log%20%282%29.txt?dl=0 Thank you for the help.
  5. Hi, I went back in the thread as far as the start of page 54 and saw nothing related. When I launch a rover I designed from the SPH, my funds get zeroed out. This is when it gets on the runway, not when I start having it built. Narrowed mod list is CommunityResourcePack ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Hangar KAS KerbalConstructionTime ProceduralParts ModuleManager.2.5.6 I THINK they are all up to date, just not sure on procedural parts. zip of output_log and save file with rover design (named land parts) before fund zeroing is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/llnv8mxg3xmeks4/saves.zip?dl=0 If you need more info, let me know, and I'll do what I can
  6. When I set a custom interval, it does not seem to save it. If I quit to main menu and reload the save, it appears to reset to 106 days, and the button says quarterly, though the custom interval field is still available to change in the window. Edit: Further testing has revealed this to be a display bug only.
  7. From what I can tell, no luck. Here's a log with no other mods https://www.dropbox.com/s/9svvtbus8k4gowk/output_log.txt?dl=0
  8. Understood, if it is ready before 0.90, would you mind releasing it in that form? I plan to stay with 0.25 until enough of my mods are updated, and would appreciate having this available. Also, if you feel you need another set of eyes for testing, just let me know and I'll do what I can, or post here and you might have 20+ offers in 10 minutes.
  9. Any chance you could release what you have for 0.25? I'm hoping to go bee hunting. edit: scratch that, just need some description or something on the github page
  10. log is up https://www.dropbox.com/s/88f9z2wyqo7cpft/output_log6.txt?dl=0 edit: and it has the issue both with KCT disabled and with just build times disabled
  11. Will the Balka solar panels still be included? I think those are the most important parts for me. Mainly because of their shape and output.
  12. The only misunderstanding is that I have been recovering the vessels, not reverting. Otherwise you are correct it that post. edit: I need to get some sleep, but I'll post the culprit once I identify it. Edit 2: It was Kerbal Construction Time, but only if it was disabled for that save. Yes, I said DISabled. I don't understand it, but oh well. That just means its less useful in my testing worlds.
  13. I had been testing my mods, and 1 or more are interfering with the steps I listed, and your steps worked with all of them present.
  14. I have the scenario in the file, SCENARIO { name = ResourceRecoveryData scene = 7, 8, 5 dll_version = filesystem_version = created = 11/9/2014 6:48:46 PM updated = 11/9/2014 11:44:55 PM SaveGameKredits = 0 loadcount = 16 PLANETS { PLANET { name = Kerbin total_locations = 1 total_number_recource_tanks = 38 total_capacity = 0 total_capacity_used = 0 STORAGE { storagecapacity = unlimited (0) modulecount = 1 RESOURCES { RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel resourceID = 00 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.8 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 00 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = XenonGas resourceID = 01 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0001 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 4 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 01 hide = 0 group = gas } RESOURCE { name = SolidFuel resourceID = 02 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0075 supply_mode = 0 value_factor = 0.6 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 02 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge resourceID = 03 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0 supply_mode = 0 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 03 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer resourceID = 04 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.18 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 04 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant resourceID = 05 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.004 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1.2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 05 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = Kethane resourceID = 06 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.002 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.16 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 06 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = RocketParts resourceID = 07 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0025 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 5 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 07 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = Metal resourceID = 08 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.039 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 71.2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 08 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = Ore resourceID = 09 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0275 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 3.52 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 09 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = ScrapMetal resourceID = 10 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.004 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1.28 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 10 hide = 0 group = other } RESOURCE { name = Megajoules resourceID = 11 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0 supply_mode = 0 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 11 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = ChargedParticles resourceID = 12 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0 supply_mode = 0 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 12 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = Antimatter resourceID = 13 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000000001 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 4819.22 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 13 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = UF4 resourceID = 14 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.26 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 14 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = ThF4 resourceID = 15 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0042 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.63 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 15 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = UraniumNitride resourceID = 16 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0143 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.7436 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 16 hide = 0 group = electric } RESOURCE { name = Actinides resourceID = 17 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 2 value_factor = 0.2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 17 hide = 0 group = waste } RESOURCE { name = DepletedFuel resourceID = 18 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 2 value_factor = 0.2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 18 hide = 0 group = waste } RESOURCE { name = Argon resourceID = 19 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.005 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 19 hide = 0 group = gas } RESOURCE { name = Aluminium resourceID = 20 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0135 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.027 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 20 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = ExoticMatter resourceID = 21 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 21 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LqdDeuterium resourceID = 22 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0001624 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 22 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Lithium resourceID = 23 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000534 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.0032 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 23 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LqdTritium resourceID = 24 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0002436 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 2304 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 24 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LqdMethane resourceID = 25 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.00186456 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 25 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Plutonium-238 resourceID = 26 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.001 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 26 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LqdHelium3 resourceID = 27 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000059 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 525.2 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 27 hide = 0 group = gas } RESOURCE { name = LqdWater resourceID = 28 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.001 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.000001 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 28 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Alumina resourceID = 29 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.00399 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 29 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = H2Peroxide resourceID = 30 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.00145 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.000517 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 30 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Ammonia resourceID = 31 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000681 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.00044 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 31 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LqdHelium resourceID = 32 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000135 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.022 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 32 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = GNparticle resourceID = 33 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 33 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Karbonite resourceID = 34 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0125 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 1.6 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 34 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = Karborundum resourceID = 35 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.02256 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 2000 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 35 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = ArgonGas resourceID = 36 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.00005 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.25 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 36 hide = 0 group = fuel } RESOURCE { name = LiquidHydrogen resourceID = 37 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.0004 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 0.5 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 37 hide = 0 group = fuel } } LOCATIONS { LOCATION { lon_lat = KSC: 285.442330134503/-0.0972077848128505 capacity = unlimited } } } } } } I just tried the following steps 1) build vessel with full antimatter tank on Launchpad 2) press F5 3) empty the antimatter tank with RR 4) recover vessel 5) check RR stocks Anything else I can do to narrow this down aside from removing mods 1 or 2 at a time? edit: thank you for making this mod in the first place edit 2: trying with steps 2 and 3 reversed edit 3: no difference, and here is the antimatter section from the quicksave RESOURCE { name = Antimatter resourceID = 13 storagecapacity = ToDo storedamount = 0.00 density = 0.000000001 supply_mode = 1 value_factor = 4819.22 total_sold = 0 total_bought = 0 display_order = 13 hide = 0 group = electric }
  15. It doesn't seem to save the resources for me so far, any tips? edit: and which git version? What are the PluginVersion and PluginDate in ResourceRecovery.cfg? edit 2: it seem unaware of what save game I'm using (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) ResourceRecovery Awake currentGame= (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) edit 3: The above line is apparently a non-issue, happens with the plugin working in 0.23.5 as well. Here's my 0.25 output_log in case it helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/pl01bi1zhepholn/output_log5.txt?dl=0
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