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Everything posted by Ogamaga

  1. Could you make the part module work with all resources? KSPI's UF4 and ThF4 seem like good reasons to allow non-pumpable resources. Also, could you make one that does the opposite, ie to sell resources a spaceplane brings back?
  2. Unfortunately, its conflicting with Mission Controller Extended 0.60, both mods have a module named "RoverScience".
  3. I would greatly appreciate this, thank you.
  4. Hey Fractal, just making sure you noticed my last post. Post 5410 I think, it was about the modulemanager configs you included. If you'd like me to fix them up and send them to you, just let me know.
  5. To Fractal and those having trouble with precoolers, I found a problem in the file "rapier.cfg" which seems to have prevented modulemanager from affecting the "Radial Engine Body". I fixed the problem by changing this @PART[radialEngineBody] { @title = Intake Pre-cooler @description = A magnificent piece of engineering that pre-cools the air flow from atmospheric engines, preventing overheating at high speeds. MODULE{ name = FNModulePreecooler } to this @PART[radialEngineBody] { @title = Intake Pre-cooler @description = A magnificent piece of engineering that pre-cools the air flow from atmospheric engines, preventing overheating at high speeds. MODULE { name = FNModulePreecooler } I'm not sure how much of what I did was needed, but I think it was changing MODULE{ to MODULE { this issue also seems to be present in "b9aero.cfg" for the SABREs and SABRE Bodies
  6. The second payout increase in the MCE techtree does not work for me. Rocket Basics, in the random missions package, still gives 24,000 with both. It should give 33,600 in that case. I did not confirm the first increase either way yet. Anyone else having this issue? using MCE .38 edit: first increase fails on its own
  7. Actually, my plan involves fairly high energy costs with highly explosive penalties for nonpayment. Your reactors seem like a good power source, and the antimatter tank explosion fits well. Whenever its convenient for you works for me if you are willing to make the change. Just put it in the change log and I'll start implementing it soon after I have the update.
  8. Fractal, could you look at my posts on page 468 and get back to me? If you have any questions about what I'm looking for, just ask, and I'll try to answer.
  9. I was hoping to use the game mechanics, not the exact parts, for my idea. The module is this: MODULE { name = AntimatterStorageTank chargeNeeded = 20 } I was hoping it could become more like this: MODULE { name = PoweredStorageTank resource = Antimatter chargeNeeded = 20 }
  10. Would it be possible to make the AntimatterStorageTank module able to work with resources besides antimatter? I have a concept which I think would work quite well with the module if it worked with other resources.
  11. Were your winch modifications just config edits, or something else simple? If so, could you reveal what you changed, either here or in the KAS thread? A module manager cfg would be greatly appreciated in the case of config edits.
  12. I thought of a possible workaround for the KSPI tree, you basically swap trees back and forth between stock and KSPI as needed for unlocking parts, I plan to focus on stock till the upgrades start arriving.
  13. Will the KSPI tree be the same as the stock tree aside from the extensions? This is in terms of node layout and cost.
  14. Hi, with the Yargnit tree, I only get non-stock parts that are set to the start node. My KSP log https://www.dropbox.com/s/rpf22b795eqp2kh/KSP2.log Let me know if you need more info. Edit: Stock parts work fine, only having trouble getting non stock
  15. Hi, for me the parts are all showing up as cost 0. I installed the same way I did my other mods, and had successfully installed this mod on 0.21.1. KSP.txt from root directory https://www.dropbox.com/s/crzepj37p35lqb9/KSP.log If you need more info, just let me know what you need and where to look.
  16. It worked, once I loaded a ship. I appreciate the help though, thank you. Also, I like the new container look regex, and would like to use that version.
  17. I don't seem to have this file. Do I need to do anything to get it to generate? Or is it supposed to be there from the zip? The file was not in the zip either. I plan to try it out soon, just trying to make sure everything is set up right.
  18. Hi everybody! I'm looking forward to some good times here.
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