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Posts posted by kurja

  1. Hi,


    I've had this consistent audio issue with KSP, and other unity games (like TLD), across several installs and different hardware setups; when a sound source is to my left, sound plays 100% on the left speaker, and vice versa. This is of course very unpleasant. On linux, I have no opportunity to test on windows/mac to see if there's any difference. Is there a known remedy for this..?

  2. On 7/24/2021 at 11:39 PM, mcwaffles2003 said:

    When movies have a low frame rate they show streaking which helps us perceive intended fast motion like in car chases. 

    I'd like to point out that motion blur is an effect of long exposure time of each frame, not of the frame rate per se; you can have very crisp moving objects in a 24fps film.

  3. https://www.sciencealert.com/oxygen-supply-has-failed-in-part-of-the-international-space-station

    Another problem with ISS life support; nothing that would be an immediate threat to crew though.

    "Nothing threatens the security of the crew and the ISS," said the spokesperson, adding this repair work to fix the issue would be carried out on Thursday.

    The ISS is getting old :/ I wonder if it's just a matter of time that something serious comes up.

  4. After a failed landing due to parachutes not deploying I experimented a bit with the sm-6a service module part (the small conical one), and it seems that all 'chutes attached to them are always in "stowed" state and so they won't deploy - if the shroud was removed in VAB. Even if I put a cubical strut or a decoupler on it's top node and the chute on top of that, it just says that it's stowed. When the craft is launched with the shroud on, parachutes work normally.

  5. 18 hours ago, mikegarrison said:

    But legally, they have no ground to stand on there. If their webserver serves up an image, then it's fair game to link to it.

    Depending on your jurisdiction (obviously), hotlinking images hosted on other sites may be considered "publishing", or "use" of that content.

    Posting a link to the page where the image is hosted is always ok.

    Probably not anything to worry about as long as context is not in some way commercial.

  6. 59 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

    Some very informative replies upthread. :D @kurja don’t just take their word for it (although you certainly could), you can validate all this yourself in KSP.

    Oh I've discovered the concept in ksp before, it was just that the wording seemed oxymoronic - "there is no increase to delta v but the end speed is higher"

  7. 1 hour ago, sevenperforce said:

    The solid boosters themselves don't contribute much in terms of absolute dV; their real advantage is to amp up TWR (not unlike F9B5 did with the final uprate on the Merlin engines) so gravity losses on the core stage are lower, giving the core greater speed at staging. 

    Delta vee being literally change of velocity, how does one have a system that does little for dv while increasing speed..?


  8. 12 minutes ago, Codraroll said:

    When it comes to updating, the typical computer windows is like a six-month old baby who needs to pee.



    On a more serious note, whatever software issue they found must have been very serious to cancel a launch - and do we know  if it was with the actual sats, or somewhere else? Has anyone heard a word on what it might have been?

  9. 3 hours ago, YNM said:

    I think that part of a motorcycle's stability is from the rotational inertia that the wheels have, though I'm not sure how much has it been tested to be true.

    Definitely. Related to this, look at an mx motorbike during a jump - riders adjust pitch of the bike mid-air with throttle and or brake. A bike can also be steered by, well, steering - turning the front wheel - while the front wheel is off the ground.


    Here are a few related demonstrations with a bicycle wheel, skip to 35:50 and 23:00 


  10. 15 hours ago, PB666 said:

    No, it interferes, potentially, with the electronics. . . . . .and I say no, its not going to interefere with gps, unless there a super freaky solor storm. 

    Huh, that's what I thought but it's claimed in the article you linked

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