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Everything posted by Motokid600

  1. I can't imagine .22 would be so hard on saves..21 hit hard because of the reaction wheels. But.. its too early to tell. Far..far to early..21 Just came out so don't even worry about it. As for when its close to release.. EXPLODE EVERYTHING. Solution.
  2. Here's the thing thats been on my mind. Squad's folder is bloated as it is. It sits at over 400mb making it significantly larger then most mods. ( though not all of it is parts ) Squads been adding parts for the past few updates and with the science package coming .22 will add more. So at some point Squad is going to be forced to do some optimization and reduce their footprint. ( or give us another 32 bits to work with ) That's what bothers me the most in the game right now. The load times when switching scenes are a bit rough, but I can tolerate them. And... A button to go to the tracking station as well as the space center would be nice.
  3. I don't want true Aliens in KSP, but some carnivorous complex life forms would be nice. I liked Apollo 18. Despite its inaccuracy it was a creepy flick. Why the dude at the end just let the Russian ascent module crash into the CSM is beyond me. Not to mention.. how in every hell would that thing have rendezvoued with the CSM to begin with?
  4. Good to hear LADEE is doing good. They ran into a problem. The probe was spinning too fast after it separated from the last launch stage. The reaction wheels were pulling too much energy and had to be shutdown temporarily. Supposed to arive at the moon Oct 6. Now I just hope they put a camera on it as well. I'd die for some HD close up satellite pics of the moon.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iKuQQ42ZZ8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8iKuQQ42ZZ8#
  6. Why not just set mass/drag to zero? Weightless cosmetics
  7. And clip the nose cone through the craft? Will that cause problems? Its easy to have PF just cover the whole payload. but I just need the section leading up the the command pod covered.
  8. New question.. Is this possible? The curve starts right from the interstage ring and it needs to go far up the payload so it ends up clipping through half the craft.
  9. Launch to rendezvous. By far the hardest thing for me. Sometimes I get lucky and my target is floating next to me after circulurization. The docking part is easy.
  10. Same here. Did you hear it as well? I'm in Berlin, Nj. It blew me away I thought I wasn't going to be able to see it. The viewing chart it has said it'd only reach 15 degrees into the sky. Bunch of crap lol. Could not have been better.
  11. Bobcat's American Ares SRB boosters, 8x onion stage Soviet pack Energia stage two boosters carrying 430 ton's of Novapunch's 5m fuel tanks. 7308 Tons 708 parts ( smooth sailing on the cpu at .03 delta physics ) Payload delivered to Arcturus station. I plan on docking four more of the same craft. Massive amounts of fuel in an 80km orbit. Very handy.
  12. Yea when you go into your steam screenshot library open the image in full and right click. Select copy URL and paste that into the insert image. Or it might be copy link address. Not sure theres a few options.. all work.
  13. 2.5 TWR ratio was it? Took off like a bottle rocket. Amazing launch. I was waiting for "ignition start" but no just BOOM im gone.. lol. I live in Berlin, NJ and I gotta say again that I was floored. I heard the faint rumble and saw the tail of the exhaust as clear as day. And the stage separation was even better. I saw the flare up of the engines.. the mach effects..everything. I will never forget this. Im going to see this in person next launch. My friend took a short video ill post it later if I can. Its bed time..
  14. Wow. Just ****ing wow. I saw this thing launch from my backyard. Brilliant. Far better then id thought.
  15. This is great stuff I'm loving this thread. How is it you stage the mid air failures?
  16. No the weather here in the north east couldn't be better. Not a cloud in the sky. It's cold and clear
  17. And if u can one day try and see one in person. Seeing the launch is barely half the experience. Hearing it is probably the most awesome sensation I can think of. Like a gorilla beating on your chest.
  18. I'm having some friends over tonight and were watching this thing ascend from my backyard. Can't wait. What baffles me is the shear amount of stages used to get this tiny probe into orbit. I swear this rocket is ripped right out of ksp.
  19. I'm confused. Im on the east coast so is this rocket launching tonight at 11:30 or tomorrow? Everything I read is saying something different.
  20. I would love to see a proper Saturn V first stage with this. Great work.
  21. This is great I'm in south Jersey ill be able to see it.
  22. So for us who have no programming experience would you not recommend this mod? Id love to automate my launchs and just not worry about the craft at all until orbit. I like taking cinematic shots, but its very difficult if I have to control the craft at the same time. So this sounds like the perfect tool. Now I can follow what you did in the video, but just copying what you typed is no way to learn. And I build large, complex craft so id imagine the program would have to be more complex as well. I've gone through over 20 pages of this topic and everyone seems to be a programmer of sorts. So I said screw it after I saw there was 20 more pages to look through. So I'm sorry if I over looked it, but do you have a "kOS for Dummies" guide anywhere by chance? And I don't want mechjeb. Yes it can do all this, but I only want this for launches ( for now ). And I fear I will succumb to mechjebs other automation features and I do not want that.
  23. The Lazor System did this as well. ( though not as far ) With the hull camera mod I could control a rocket all the way into orbit from the launch pad. REALLY cool stuff. Now we just need squad to up the apparent magnitude after a certain distance. You should be able to see spacecraft in orbit from the ground for a few hours after sundown/before sunrise. Especially if the engines are firing ( which would be seen at anytime of the night ) I need a camera mod that can zoom and track a craft and at the same time be able to control the craft. I can do it all, but zoom and track...Hm. Anyway this is a nice mod I'm going to check out. kOs too..
  24. Yes absolutely use jets for your Laythe ascent stage. They won't get you as high as they do on Kerbin, but once you drop the jets its only a quick rocket burst to reach orbit.
  25. Well.. yea that pc you have doesn't have the power. Not even close id say. As for what kind of pc it takes...that's a very vauge question. I'm assuming you don't build your own pc's ( which is the way to go $$$ wise ) so look up some pre builds on newegg if you will. An Intel i5 is good for a CPU. 8 gigs of ram ( even though KSP won't utilize it, but other games will. ) And as for a gpu id say a geforce 500 series and up is nice though I'm sure others work just fine. Any prebuilt on newegg with an i5 ( and specified for gaming ) should come with a nice gpu wether it be Nvidia or ATI
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