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Everything posted by Excrubulent

  1. Hey, just downloaded your mod. I love it. Just a thought, if you have access to Unity's Screen.showCursor property, you could hide the mouse while the user is adjusting the wings. That would prevent the problem where the mouse moves off the wing during editing and you have to keep dragging the mouse back over and over again. It's a really simple API too, just Screen.showCursor = false; when starting the edit, then back to true when you're done. Here's the docs page for it: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Screen-showCursor.html
  2. Episode #06 - SSTK (Single Stage to Kerbin) This one's got a fair bit more editing than usual, including a quick-cut ship-design-and-testing montage. I'd say it's actually our best yet! Also, we used some of Peta's music for this one, and we've linked to a video for that too. It's available under Creative Commons.
  3. So this was initially posted in the YouTubes, but that's gone now Anyway, this is a series of me teaching my wife to play KSP. We're up to 5 episodes, but I think the latest one didn't go out to our subscribers because of reasons. Sorry about that. Also, we've fixed some of our audio issues and improved the editing to make it snappier, so #5 is the most polished so far. Episode #01 - Going to Space Episode #02 - Meet Melnand Episode #03 - A Long Drive off a Short Peninsula Episode #04 - So Many Keys Episode #05 - Fido the Great and Eponymous
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