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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Sorry, did not see that one, Will delete this one.
  2. My own entry will be up in a few hours, my plan involves a LOT of driving around
  3. IGNORE, WAS DUPLICATE Sorry Could a mod delete
  4. KSP Calculators For MS Excel And LibreOffice Calc May Also work with other equivalent programs Trying to make the perfect orbits? Hate plugging away at the scientific Calculator? Well these KSP orbit calculators are for you Semi Major Axis Calculator Determines your SMA using just your AP,PE and name of orbiting body Libre/OpenOffice Calc (.ods) http://www./?lap8z3fbk6liuqz Ms Excel (.xls) http://www./?2co8xvxy896pd1z Orbit Time Calculator (Orbital Period) Determines your Orbital Peroid by SMA or AP/PE/Body Libre/OpenOffice Calc (.ods) http://www./?6npfx1cbjuxu22e Ms Excel (.xls) http://www./?p3o2wmahbt2n2jx Satellite Formation Planner Determines your parking orbit for making evenly spaced satellites Coming Soon (later tonight) Even more coming soon. Feel free to suggest more This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.
  5. I Have an Entry, 100 Points, Vid will be uploaded in about 10 minutes ~Jon
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