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    Curious George

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  1. Hi linuxgurugamer, I was curious if you had any plans on updating this mod? Thanks so much for your hard work.
  2. Thank you to the devs for your hard work. I've been a part of this game development for years, aside from reporting bugs, I have been pretty quiet on things; I just wanted a good game. I've rarely seen a company screw over employees like what is going on here. I love this game a lot, but I've never seen such horrible repeated turnover. My local McDonald's can keep a crew longer than squad seems to be able to. The hardworking developers are appreciated, no doubt. I am really frustrated with how this process has been handled. I bought back at .18, and bought several copies as gifts for family and friends along the way. With as many sales as there has been, there is just no reason for the bungled 1.0 version and the fumbles since. Losing so many devs at once? Unless they come forward and explain, this seems to be the very end. Anything beyond this will have to be a mod done privately(as so much of the game refinement seems to have been). I realize this game was created in order to fund other ambitions, but wow this is just a mistake.
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