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Everything posted by Anister

  1. Banned for not telling us your twitter
  2. Banned for having more than 203 posts
  3. Banned for lack of Inception sound. Here, I fixed it:
  4. Yeah? Oh wait, im not Ethan. Then who was phone?! Xannari
  5. Hey BahamutoD, is it possible to rewrite the missile guidance part (the newly released part) code to allow custom paths using curves?
  6. So, out of boredom I added a few parts: A railgun and tiny, large and huge warheads. All models and textures belong to BahamutoD, if he demands so, ill remove it in a flash. The warheads have larger (or smaller incase of the tiny version) power and radius, wheight and drag. The railgun is just a Oerlikon Millenium Turret with no bullet drop and more bullet velocity + custom sounds. Thats just a bonus, the main parts are the warheads. Unzip into your BDarmory folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/auxe6jovlv2rc9m/Parts.zip?dl=0 I havnt tested them, so be carefull
  7. Then fire more missiles. Many many more... Or Rocket pods, that works to Also, BahamutoD, can you add armor plates like Skillfull does? And perhaps WWII-style bombs. And how about artillery?
  8. Try Infernal Robotics, with some practice you can make walking legs. Just dont bother making it bipedal as a first try. Youtuber Robbaz one made a 8-legged spider thing, perhaps that can give some inspiratoon?
  9. KSP 1.0 uses a new texture format, decreasing memory footprint, giving more space for mods...
  10. Its been a great run guys! Lets see what the future has in store for us!
  11. Im getting 502 errors refreshing this page! Its frikking here!
  12. Dear Squad, we are sorry for burning down the servers..... But realy, post some statistics. I'd love to see the damage we delt
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