I was wondering if there was any documentation post forum nuking regarding these items? I'm mostly coming across dead links. Also, thanks to everyone on this forum, there is an incredible amount of info available here. Here are my main questions: How do fixed light animations work (ie the stock spotLight)? I'm not sure if this is done through emissives, as it is my understanding they only used for variable input/output lighting and animations. How do I setup parachutes? I get what's in the cfgs but I'm not sure where to define the hinge that the parachute will swing on, and really not too sure of other Unity specific things regarding them. With solar panels, I want to know similarly how their animations are made game ready in Unity, ie how to define the rotating point, and what to tag the game object for the solar panel face. And one last odd question: I am very very new to texturing, could someone guide me to a resource for reducing model glare? Or just a good texturing resource would even be helpful, I'm pretty bad.