I am thinking of going through the new career mode ( done it in .22 ). What i want is a nice realistic experience, doing missions as if i was running a space program. So my question to anyone who would like the same, or have recommendations to post what mods they would or would not use. I will list some i think should be added, if you can suggest better mods, or new ones please do. FAR - Farram Aerospace Deadly Reentry Remote tech 2 ( i like the signal type aspect ) TAC - Life support Chatterer And some that i like and think would be usfull with the way i want to play Kw Rocketery B9 Aerospace KAS City lights but possibly the replacer, tho they are aesthetics not game play wise. Was an old robotics mod not sure if its still about cant find it but i did find infernal robotics. So what do you think? what would you add, Change? or remove.