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Everything posted by Sun

  1. Granted, but they get louder and deafen you, moving in to kill you with sound. I wish that I didn't get baking soda mixed up with bacon soda for 30,000 years.
  2. Granted, but you're banned from it forever. I wish I knew how to livestream.
  3. Granted, but fire engulfs your head and eats you. I wish that Eeloo had cryo-volcanic geysers
  4. As the title of this thread says, this is NOT a suggestion. It is a topic for discussion.
  5. I know it's a bit early to discuss this when we don't even have other stars. Especially since we don't have a complete solar system. But I was thinking something like this could be used: You have to go to all of the planets and moons in the game, even in other solar systems, and find 2 monoliths on each except gas giants, so don't look for monoliths on them. Then, a secret node in the tech tree could be revealed. The node would be like, "Stargates" and the description would say, "And by stargates, we mean wormholes taking us to other galaxies," which you would have to discover by having a space telescope in orbit around the farthest planet from the farthest star from Kerbol. Here are some ideas: Large Kerballanic Cloud: LMC analogue Small Kerballanic Cloud: SMC analogue Kerbdromeda: Andromeda analogue Kerbangulum: Triangulum analogue KC 1101: IC 1101 analogue, if you go to the center, there is a black hole which will teleport you to Kerbin, so you can return your millions of science points home.
  6. Are you going to add compatibility for Kragthrea's Planet Factory mod? It's been released FINALLY!
  7. Don't. Please. If you want to post that, go on the Portal forums. EDIT:111th post. I don't get it either.
  8. Possibly, just for fun, an option to turn the ASAS back to how it was in 0.20.
  9. I did an orbit reversal in Duna orbit. Still had fuel left. Only about 10-25 units.
  10. How does Jool hate you? The Delta V required to get there?
  11. I always thought Jool was made of Kethane because of its green color! I would like to see a huge planet-wide green ocean at the surface! After all, if you want realism, take away the time warp.
  12. Do it in the order you want, but I like to go to Laythe, gravity assist from Vall to Tylo, land at Tylo, get back into orbit around Tylo, go from Tylo to Bop, Low G probe #1 to land, then go to Pol, deploy Low G probe #2 to land, then burn to a near-out-of-SOI orbit, and return to Kerbin.
  13. Minecraft is a sandbox game. And it's on almost all consoles XBOX 360 and up.
  14. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features This is already on the planned features list. Mods, please lock this thread. Unless this wasn't a suggestion, and this is just a page for discussion. Since your topic prefix is missing, I assume that this is a suggestion.
  15. This is what you get when you give this mod to me. http://imgur.com/1DXxS2b A molten Mun.
  16. I think that, since gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light, that they would go faster than visible light. Tell me what you think.
  17. Now I can't find the Sol system texture pack. It's not there!
  18. I crashed a 12 kerbal rocket into the sun. I went back to the astronaut complex and they were shown as missing in action. I think their cause of death should be shown: for instance "crashed into sun" or "splashed down too hard on Eve" or "devoured by kraken on Jool". This would make it easier for players to remember if their big ship to Eeloo blew up on launch. Maybe this should be added in 0.21.2 or.0.22.0.
  19. CHAPTER 2: EELOO ORBIT Day 370 MJ2AAS: Initiating 10 minute braking burn..... Herbert: 10 minutes?! That's almost as long as a Moho braking burn! MJ2AAS: Those take 19 minutes. Where did your smartness go? Herbert: I... don't know. I guess that the trip here took so long that I forgot things. 10 minutes later....... MJ2AAS: Braking burn complete. Herbert (to everyone): We are at Eeloo! Now we just need to circularize at periapsis. MJ2AAS: I'll take care of it. Herbert: Thanks.
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