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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have an ultrawide 21:9 4K monitor, 3840x1600. If I want to live stream the game, I want the game in 16:9 mode as most people use 1080p screens. This can be done using borderless fullscreen. However, it looks extremely pixelated. If I had to guess, the game gets was stretched/shrunk from 21:9 to 16:9. Or it's just a bug. Please add more resolutions that force the screen ratio or add a 16:9 button. I tried editing the settings config file but that didn't work. Thanks!
  2. So I was playing KSP and landed a lander on the moon (took me like 10+ tries, slowly tweaking the lander until it works properly) and had jeb, bill, and bob, all land on the moon in the same pod. I decided to land the [probably not] first ever spaceplane on the moon, so I was tweaking the A4 until it was suitable for the moon. (took me a few crashes on the moon to realize only VTOL's are fit for landing on the moon. (if you can land a slightly tweaked A4 with no VTOL additions on the moon kudos for you) (and i'm using fuel cheat, obviously) When I went to launch this A4 the astronaut was none other then [drum roll] Jebediah! The [old] jebediah was still landed safely on the moon. I thought it was pretty weird but would be funny if I could get these two side by side. You can even EVA them beside each other (note: I'm probably not the first one to find this 'bug', if it is a bug and I realize this) So I thought that's weird, probably never going to happen again. So just to see who I get next, I launched another spaceplane (can you guess who I got?), well I got Bill, and next i'll probably get bob. The only question left is: Who will I get next? Here's a few pics. Also recently I Copy'd the KSP folder from the desktop to C:/games/ (alongside cobalt) Images: In this image you see my lander on the left, with the vict... er "contents" inside. (that still doesn't sound good... does it?) The pod contains Bill, Bob, and Jeb kerman. In this image you see my altered A4 with it's VTOL addition, conataining none other then [drum roll] [ok this is getting old] Jebediah Kerman! I just find this funny, weird, and strange, all at the same time. And here's a better image of my Altered A4 with VTOL, it seems the only way to land on the moon is vertically, I tried like 4 times to land this thing. I just crashed. (once was due to time warp smashed right into the moon at 200+m/s :[ ) I replaced the Jet engines with rocket engines, and yes i'm using fuel cheat, this is meant to be a fun vehicle to cruse around in. Took my awhile to balance the VTOL it takes some time getting used to on the moon. It feels really weird floating over the surface. (it docks onto the lander to stay fueled with electricity so the ship doesn't run out and become useless) fun fact: I broke like 4 solar panels off of the thing with Jeb[1] while in EVA (Rage Quit) (not really) That's it for my ramblings. I hope you had some sort of enjoyment from reading this, and remember, if you take a whale that's eaten shrimp all it's life and start feeding it apple pie it will be like "Holy Smokes this is delicious!" [edit: Spoiler fail, is there no way to create spoilers?]
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