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Everything posted by JonhyBee

  1. Thanks! does this mod make it a lot harder or just different? I guess I will have to try it, looks great.
  2. Hello guys, I have only been playing KSP for about 3 weeks now and it is definetly the best 15$ dollars I have spend in a LONG time. I have been having great fun from the start. I have a background as a private pilot (I learned to pilot a plane at 15yo even before I got my drivers liscences) and I have a bachelor in Physics Eng. (with a useless master but I disgress). Just wanted to point this out because I feel like this game was made for me, with all the true liberty to let your imagination run wild (I have been playing way to much Dwarf fortress anyways) and just a touch of reality so there can be PHYSICS and SCIENCE! in there plus the added flight simulator part (well almost... the aerodynamics dont seem right at times) its just SO great I cant seem to express it properly. If my english is poor I apologise, my native language is french and I am from Québec. Just so this is not a complete empty post, here a is picture of my first SSTO plane just reaching orbit. And one of Jeb enjoying the new seat from 0.2 Regards, JonhyBee
  3. Hello, I am new to the game and the forum. I have been playing for about 2 weeks now (when I can get any time on the cpu at all) and I LOOOOVE it but I think everyone here understands what I mean. These images are to commemorate the lauching of 0.2 and the rocket-seet (I bet whe all did that)
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