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Everything posted by TheUndeadFish

  1. I actually only made two little changes to the code: The first was to comment out line 11: //private static PluginConfiguration config = PluginConfiguration.CreateForType<subassemblyLoader>(); A problem happens when the game runs that, as was evident by the errors in the output log. And it was consequently causing the plugin to fail to load, which causes the game to try to reload it over and over, which causes the lag. But since the mod doesn't seem to make use of that configuration file stuff, commenting out the line way a simple was the deal with the issue. The second was to adjust the first number on line 129, which is the x coordinate of where the button is drawn in the VAB: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(350, 1, 48, 36), new GUIContent(button, "Subassembly"), buttonStyle) && !EditorLogic.softLock)
  2. I didn't find a thread dedicated to the Subassembly Loader mod, so I had to create this one. Using the source code provided along with the mod, I just made a patched version that will work with 0.20. This moves the button to a usable location in the VAB as well as eliminates the lag caused by the plugin not loading properly. I only intend this as a quick-and-dirty fix until the mod's author can release a proper updated version of it. You still need the original files, then override the dll with the one from my path. Download: For the sake of those playing the game at much lower resolutions, I've made a second version of my patch. This one moves the button to the upper right corner, but under the other buttons instead of beside them. It's not as pretty as being on the top bar, but it should be functional. Download: Disclaimer: Use at your own risk, since I'm rather new to KSP modding. A few other people in this thread have made their own patches. So if one of my patches doesn't work for some reason, then you could try one of theirs:
  3. However, now that I've been able to try out the parts in game, they don't seem to be functioning. Either the right-click menus don't show up at all, or if they do the options don't seem to work. Whatever the issue is, it probably goes beyond my currently limited knowledge of KSP modding.
  4. To get the broken KAS parts to load: Go to the part.cfg file for each and change the line "module = part" to be "module = Part". I haven't tested far enough to see if any of their functionality is broken, but that at least gets them loading.
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