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Posts posted by WedgeJAntilles

  1. The markers will come first, but that sounds very interesting. From some brief research, that mode would essentially display (0, 0, 0) (pitch, yaw, roll) as the prograde vector? Thus, to burn prograde you just burn at (0, 0, 0), and retrograde would be (0, 180, 0). To increase inclination (0, 90, 0), etch. That sound about right?

    Yeah, pretty much. Basically it treats the orbital plane like the horizon. Very useful since, once you're in orbit, you don't care about your attitude relative to the surface so much as your attitude relative to your current orbit.

    Anyway, I haven't had a chance to play with the HUD yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I do a lot of IVA-only missions, and SteamGauges has already made it easy for me to do a lot of stuff I couldn't do before. Keep up the good work!

  2. Yes! The HUD looks amazing, and I'll be especially happy once it gets prograde & target markers. One suggestion, I would love a HUD mode that's relative to the orbit rather than the surface. I'm thinking the Orbital mode of the HUD in Orbiter, if you're familiar with that. It would make it much easier to figure out which direction to point when I want to do a normal or radial burn; right now the only way is to use a maneuver node, which is inconvenient, or guess, which is really hard when you're not in an equatorial orbit already.

  3. This makes sense, however we'd probably see a resurgence in people complaining about accidentally recovering/ending their flights. I suspect though that people don't have flights that are that important to them on Kerbin though, so it wouldn't matter so much.

    I don't agree, for two reasons:

    1) The End Flight button was always available. If you had a giant space station that took 10+ launches to construct, you could easily wipe all that work out with an accidental button press. The "Recover" option is ONLY available when a craft is stationary on the surface of Kerbin; I doubt very many people have craft on the surface of Kerbin that are intended to be permanent fixtures.

    2) The primary flow of designing craft in KSP is the "Build, Launch, Crash, repeat" workflow. Before 0.21, this was accomplished with the end flight button. That means that you got used to hitting "End Flight" every 20 seconds when your rocket explodes on the launchpad or breaks apart halfway to orbit. That becomes a habit, and that's why a lot of people habitually hit the "End Flight" button without thinking. Now, in 0.21, that workflow is handled by the Revert Flight button. The proposal here is to add "Recover" as a separate button -- since it's not the same button, people won't end up hitting it out of habit.

    Anyway, I am very much in support of this as an option (though I'm sure implementation isn't trivial.) It would also solve another complaint of mine: when I've successfully completed a mission, there's no way for me to get the end of mission report like I could before with the End Flight button.

  4. I've had the same issues, especially attempting to hold attitude during launches. SAS seems happy to allow you to drift quite a bit before correcting, and during launch that can often end with a rocket flipping upside-down.

    People, please stop saying 'add moar reaction wheels'. If you have sufficient control authority to manually hold a course then you should have sufficient control authority for SAS to hold a course. 99% of the people with SAS problems (including myself) also state that they have more than enough reaction wheels/wings/RCS to manually prevent the attitude from drifting.

    THIS. This isn't an issue of insufficient control authority, it's an issue that ASAS doesn't seem to be taking advantage of that control authority.

  5. You're flipping around because your center of drag is in front of your center of mass, so air resistance at high speeds often causes you to flip around. Ferram posted some good tips for dealing with this few pages back; I won't repeat them here. I will suggest in short that you limit your acceleration to 20 m/s (use mechjeb's throttle assistance for this, it's a lifesaver) and turn slowly so you get out of the lower atmosphere as quickly as possible. Once you're at 35km, you'll be perfectly fine.

    I will add that if you have a large, light payload, your CoD will be SO far ahead of your CoM that even that won't help. It took me awhile to figure it out, but here's what I figured out:

    * Contrary to normal, it helps to make your rockets SHORT and WIDE -- asparagus staging is good here.

    * Climb straight up until the atmosphere is thin enough that you can turn without losing control. This is usually at LEAST 15km. Even with such a non-optimal gravity turn, it still takes less delta-v to reach orbit than it does without FAR.

    I will say that I feel your pain. It took me a good couple of weeks of failed launches and rockets flipping upside-down before I worked out how to get consistent launches with FAR, but it IS possible.

  6. This is so that parts that come from other mods with absurd temperature tolerances get adjusted to reasonable numbers.

    Any part with a maxTemp > ridiculousMaxTemp has its maxTemp halved; if it contains a ModuleEngine, its heat production is also halved. Then, if it's still > ridiculousMaxTemp, it gets capped at ridiculousMaxTemp.

    Awesome work! I'm really glad you found a mod-independent way to enforce this--I think a lot of why DR seemed too easy to me was that I use a lot of part packs that have ridiculous heat tolerances.

  7. I'm having some trouble with this mod--I set up an X200-32 tank to be empty but still have normal fuel capacity--i.e. 1440 fuel, 1760 oxidizer. However, when I set the amount to 0/1440, it removed the tank. I then tried it starting with 1 unit of fuel, and it set both the initial AND maximum fuel amount to be 1. That is, it's ignoring my settings for fuel *capacity* and setting the capacity equal to whatever I set the beginning value to. Is this a bug or do I have something misconfigured?

  8. the question is, how much do we want to make this "hard mode" for the sake of hard mode, vs. how much do we want to make it reasonably realistic?

    My preference is always towards moar sim, of course.

    I would like to think there's a happy medium somewhere. As it stands, DR has no effect on 99% of my mission profiles, which sort of kills the point of using it in the first place.

    Another thing to think about that still veers on the side of realistic is the heat values. Is 1700 really low enough? I mean, 1700 is roughly the melting point of steel, but I have a hard time believing that a rocket tank would heat all the way to the point of steel melting without taking ANY damage beforehand. I know this contradicts my earlier request to balance it against stock values, it's just something to think about.

  9. Because spaceplanes such as the space shuttle don't use ablative tiles. Spaceplanes in the next version *will* use heat tiles, they just won't be ablative (i.e., they won't get "used up" as you go through the atmosphere).

    YES! Very happy about this--I have a number of SSTO designs that I want to be 100% reusable, e.g. to station on Laythe, so having the heat shield ablate on re-entry was a big problem for me.

    Well, sortof. I've also noticed, like a lot of people, that deadly reentry isn't that deadly anymore. I would expect that de-orbiting an unshielded spent stage from 250km orbit would end in a fiery explosion, but I've dropped a dozen craft that way and not had a single component overheat (best I got was about 1200C).

    Also, I think it would make sense to try and balance it against the stock heat values -- I have a lot of part packs and it's not really feasible for your mod to update the values for every part that's out there.

    EDIT: For reference, I am using FAR

  10. I'm having a problem with a space station I have that uses mostly B9 parts. Since updating B9 to R3, the station doesn't load correctly. The kerbals on board don't get loaded, and I don't get right-click options for most of the parts that should have them. Also, if I time-warp, the model disappears! It seems to me like the vehicle doesn't finish loading, but I'm not seeing anything in the debug log to help me figure out what might be the culprit. Does anyone have any ideas?

  11. Awesome, awesome work! I'm really happy with all the new parts--fills in a few holes that I was really itching for (like S2 cargo bays) and some things I didn't even know I needed!

    I do have one problem though--I have a space station I built with mostly B9 parts, and since updating I'm getting a bug where my space station just vanishes, all except for one part that just floats in space. I can't interact with it at all and if I try to IVA I get a NullReferenceException in the debug toolbar. Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem? I would really hate to have to start over--the space station was a TON of work to put together.

  12. The placing issue is that part.cfg is missing "scale = 1" so it is not scaled correctly anymore, as the default value of "scale" has changed.

    I assumed this was the issue, but I couldn't verify it until I got home from work.

    Anyway, I've gone ahead and updated this plugin for 0.20; you can get it here: http://file2web.com/download.php?file=192(0.20)TAC_Fuel_Balancer_1.1.2.zip

    I fixed the part and moved everything to the 0.20 directory structure.

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