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Posts posted by DataSchmuck

  1. So in the next version where you can set the bubble range:

    -The bubble is now a cylinder.

    -You can change the radius of the cylinder, but not the height

    -the height is hard coded at 35,000

    -the default radius is 20,000

    -the center point seems to be somewhere between the VAB and the launchpad (close to where Jeb is standing)

    -setting the radius to 0 will cause collisions between simultaneous launches on the runway/launchpad. (but you could set up a queue system for launches)

    -1500 radius will cover the runway end to end, and cover the launchpad. The edges of the radius are just a little past each end of the runway.

  2. Good evening everyone. First of all, I wish to tell the developer that this is an amazing mod. Just the idea of it is incredible and it's even more so that it worked. Unfortunately I am writing this to tell you of a problem I've encountered.

    I am trying to build a small resupply station around Kerbin where my friends can dock up and refuel before heading out into the universe. And as I was about to dock the second piece onto it, I was unable to undock the RCS tug I keep on it. I have a kerbal in the tug itself and I press the undock button on the dockingport that is on the station side of the thing. But after I press it, nothing happens. The tug doesn't detach and the undock button disappears. I tried figuring out what is causing this to happen but the log system makes no sense to me. Debug mode doesn't change anything but adding each time my status changes.

    I have installed the Kethane mod and allowed its parts. It may be due to that since I don't know how KMP would save the Kethane deposits and such. I fortunately did make a backup just before installing the Kethane mod so I can try reverting.

    Another problem I also found was that sometimes when I enter the Tracking Station, I see ships that I've deleted already. Like it reverted back. But when I try to switch to them, it forces a resync with the server. This may also be related to Kethane. I suppose that if that is the case, then mods that add more than just parts, things that actually save to the "world space" won't function properly yet.

    Enough of my rambling though! Awesome mod! Really excited to see where this is heading.

    This happens to me with no mods installed. Dock 2 things together in orbit. Go to space center or disconnect, come back, go back to the station and you can no longer un-dock. It happens every time.

  3. In vs2010 -> file -> open project -> "KerbalMultiPlayer.csproj"

    Then drag the 3 required dlls onto the references for the KMPserver(expand it on the right).

    Assembly-CSharp.dll, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll and UnityEngine.dll

    To build press f6 or right click the "solution 'kerbalmultiplayer'" and click build.

    The needed files will go into \KerbalMultiPlayer\KMPServer\bin\Release


    Edit: made it more readable

    All this does is give me a 2 new .dlls:



    If I throw these into the server folder and run the original 0.1.2 KMPserver.exe it crashes when someone joins.

    Should I be getting the new .exe and other sql .dlls when I hit build?

  4. My Server:

    SOA Space Program


    port 2076

    Max Players: 4

    Location: Northwest United States

    Players are set to 4 because every server I've joined, the UDP and connection issues always start after 5 or 6 players have joined.

    Server is running on a 4.6 Ghz corei7 2600K, 8G Ram, Crucial M4 SSD, Win7 64bit, Comcast 50down/10up

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