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Everything posted by Goatgas

  1. Maybe you should lighten up golden boy, I didn't see it at the time. However I can rest knowing "experts" like you, are ready to point out the errors of others with your supposed sharp wit instead of actually providing useful information. probably how you got your post count, with mindless "advise".
  2. How do I attach items in a storage container to a rocket while in space? When I remove items from storage they float away( I cant grab them). Sometimes the part glows green to show you can place, but I cant get them to attach. I have tried with drill or wrench equipped, but nothing happens.
  3. I already have USI colonization system and karbonite plus, what I'm asking is what containers are used to transport water and other resources that aren't consumed or converted immediately. example... if I mine substrate what container does it go in? How do I transport it to a space station to transfer it to a green house? I see no containers to do this.
  4. are there resource storage for water, minerals, uranitite(?), substrate etc? if so is it a mod? I only see ones for ore or kerbonite. also what use is Karborundium used for.
  5. I see several small tanks for kerbonite, and one for ore(also small) what about minerals, substrate, water etc. Or is there a Mod I have to use. also what use is Karborundium for? I don't see a use for it.
  6. I see that in order to use Apollo mun ground science equipment, you need a plugin called VNG. where do I find it? looked but cant find one with that name.
  7. Please fix the heat shield /Com issue, its pointless attempting to play the game only to be incinerated every time you try to reenter the atmosphere.
  8. where is the slider you speak of? since there is total loss of control on reentry (flipping to nose first no matter what you do) I want to turn it off until its fixed.
  9. I read on another thread that Kethane will no longer be maintained. Too bad if its true, I enjoyed using it.
  10. Excellent fix! If your a coder. How about those of us who don't have the "expertise" of programming. Is this something that's going to be fixed? (one would think so.)Or is this a problem that only a "mod" or reprogramming code will cure.
  11. is this Mod updated to .90 yet? only see year old messages
  12. had to dump my game, reload and start over. But appears to be no issue atm. It was all updated stuff, no probe core. so not sure what issue was but I think its resolved(?).. we shall see..lol
  13. I knew I was in trouble, when I started the game and I got the message that I had successful explored Duna. I had accepted the contract over a week ago(irl) and had nothing near there. No credits or money was rewarded for contract completion. Also all my kerbals disappeared and six or seven newb kerbals showed up in my roster. the nav ball suddenly started showing 270 deg. orientation instead of 90 deg.(270 showing where 90 should be) when sitting at launch pad. If launched it heads true 90 deg. But Nav ball shows heading to 270 deg.(again where the 90 deg mark should be) the rocket just keels over to 90 deg. and plows into the ground. I am using the following mods, Mechjeb, KWS,MKS/OKS, KAS ,TAC-LS, kerbonite and Kerbal clock. I tried restarting and it reappears, hate to start over again....Ideas?
  14. New to the MKS/OKS mod, and have a couple of questions. what are the punch cards, what do they do, and how to get them? I had been waiting for beta to come out before using this mod. bit of a learning curve, but that's half the fun!
  15. Any more info on a .90 update? I see there is a "temporary" fix but would rather wait if need be. Been waiting for beta to come out before using this mod. Looks like fun.
  16. I have every building maxed, rep above 100 yet can only have 25(?) kerbals. Space stations and colony's use that number quickly(using oks/mks mod). Any ideas?
  17. It would be nice if you could mine resources (kethane, etc.) from the asteroids.
  18. I have looked, but cant find a complete career tech tree schematic (vanilla). I know that some mods are used in tech tree and could extend it (like mech jeb etc). But it would be nice to know what the basic tree looks like.
  19. Is the ARM update part of the career path with tech tree?( I would hope so!) also can we mine for resources from asteroids? I have not seen anything that states so. From what I have found or read, is that all you can do is redirect the asteroids. Fun at first.. but then quickly boring after the first few captures and redirects.
  20. looking to see what mods currently are career friendly. any lists out there? been looking.. and yep prob in the wrong places.lol
  21. I find that if using the Kethane converter to make fuel(mono etc), is not turned off when launching from (mun in this instance) planets. the ship starts spinning wildly while still ascending. turn off converter spinning stops. with asas and mono stopping the continued motion.
  22. Bummer.. wouldn't even now where or how to do that.
  23. Tried your suggestion but it didn't work. It appears no mod works for me now. guess only sandbox gets mods?
  24. Do mods work in career mode ? cant seem to get mechjeb parts to load. (only mod tried so far).
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