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Everything posted by PirateCat

  1. This is how I always would do my comsats after I installed RemoteTech. Plus I would have two additional ones going north and south (or above and below Kerbin) that also had the long distance dishes. Each of my equitorial sats would have an omni plus 4 dishes, two that pointed at the sats to either side, one pointed at either the north or south comsat, and one pointed at current vessel. There would be occasional communications blackouts, but they never lasted very long. You can see the setup in this old screenshot I had lying around.
  2. And yet, my game still boots up and runs. And pretty much all of the mods I play with work in it, too! What is this sorcery that allows me to play such an unplayable game?
  3. That's because you have to add the remote tech module to it with a cfg file, here's mine: @PART[B9_Cockpit_D25] { MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 3000 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Control_ACU] { MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 3000 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Just paste that into a file, name it something like B9_RT.cfg, and put it somewhere in your gamedata folder.
  4. I like the adding of a need to go EVA to fix things, so am keeping an eye on this mod, but am waiting until the preventive maintenance is in. However I've got a reason to make waste products leak, the way you get rid of them is by recycling them back into good resources, so losing them loses the resources you want as well. Yes, a leak in your CO2 doesn't matter too much when you're taking a quick trip to the Mun. However, it's going to make those guys heading off to Jool scramble to fix it since that's what they're going to need to breathe soon.
  5. First of all, love the mod. It's nice for IVAs to actually be something that you can work in. I was wondering if there was some way you could something so you could change the colors of displayed bars based on how full they are. For example, if I could make the liquid fuel gauge be green when full, yellow when 50% and red when 15%, and then be able to setup another resource with changing colors at different amounts (say oxygen turns yellow at 10% and red at 5%)? Alternatively, the bars themselves being different colors, where you could set it up so the first bar is red, the next two are yellow, and the rest are green. Either way it seems like it would be fairly helpful for designing at a glance resource screens.
  6. Have you actually launched your ship? I don't think the resources will get used before you launch.
  7. I've noticed that under the FLT tab, I can't hit the 1 button to change back to the navball screen on any other screen. Not as annoying, as I hardly use it, but it's the same with the altitude graph on the INFO tab.
  8. I have this problem too. It seems to only happen when I time warp, however.
  9. I'm thinking of snagging Interstellar, is there a list of tweaks needed or a cfg file or anything you could link to?
  10. I can't set a delay longer than an hour into the flight computer. If I set it to 1h it still shows 0s, and if I set it higher, like 1h 3m, it just shows everything past the hour, in this case 3m. It behaves the same if I try to input it like 63m.
  11. My only problem with the fact that my probe's thrust cuts to 0 when it lost contact is that it popped right back up to 100 when the connection was reestablished. It'd be nice if it'd cut thrust and keep it cut.
  12. I'm having this problem, too. The probes worked fine until I switched to a different one, and coming back I see this message. I'm also noticing that my select target window has a blank button under every probe (and Mission Control) it can target, and I get the same Unknown target if I select either button.
  13. My pool had one with full bravery and full stupidity. He seemed to me to be the ideal test pilot.
  14. We're whalers on the Mun, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing a whaling tune!
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