I changed the number for mine to something else: new Rect(526-45, 1, 48, 36) Maybe it has to do with screen sizes, but with 350 it put it almost in the middle of the blank space on the top bar. I guess the reason deadbeaf put screen.width - whatever number it was originally, was to make it so it positioned its self no matter the resolution settings, but thats just a guess. I did originally try leaving screen.width and changing the amount subtracted from it but I wasn't compiling it correctly then and it wasn't loading I guess. Got it working now though. I did try doing it my self before I read your post completely and did happen to find line 129, but didn't comment out line 11 so I bet that was part of my original problem. Thats when I thought I'd do it like you did but with my own numbers. No offence meant by not using the one you uploaded but I sometimes find coding fun and not having done c# before thought it'd be a fun little exercise. Anyway, enough of my rambling, just thought I'd mention the number thing. Glad you thought about editing the source code other wise a lot of us wouldn't be able to use sub assembly until an official update came out.