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Everything posted by speedboiae86

  1. I have no idea what's going to be coming out the hangar next, it all depends on when and if inspiration strikes me again. I did, however, wanted to say thank you for inspiring me with your crazy VTOL creations. Most times I've only just ever done SSTO's, ion fighters, heavy warbirds, carrier ships, and off planet colony ships.
  2. MOAR Intakes??? No thanks, I think any more and I'm not going to be happy with how it looks anymore. If there's one thing that's important to me besides functionality, it's aesthetics. I tried going with the LV-T30's, but they stuck too far out and clipped with the ground, thus making my landing gear unusable. Besides, I like the looks of the Aerospikes better, again, it's an aesthetic choice. Initially I was going to try the Atomic Engines, but they wound being far too heavy. If I remember correctly, the Bison Mk. III had them. The reversed control with the pitch has nothing to do with the docking port being the wrong way around. You notice that when you switch control to the docking port, it turns your navball top up? Therefore, pressing 'w' would make you go up, so with the docking port being on top, it'll bring your nose up, because if you were controlling from the cockpit, it'd bring your nose down. It's kinda confusing, but try it with my Bison and you'll see. I keep forgetting to add this, have I mentioned I'm an idiot?! Action Groups: 1 - Toggles Turbojets 2 - Toggles Aerospikes 3 - Closes Intakes 9 - Undocks drop tank ::BEFORE TAKING OFF:: Make sure to right-click the top two fuel tanks coming out of the jet fuselages by the cockpit and disable them. Otherwise, the fuel drains unevenly and makes the craft unbalanced. I have no clue why it does this, and I have tried everything to fix it, but alas, it's best just to avoid the problem. You can reactivate them after dropping the drop tank while the Aerospikes are lit. After that, you can engage the engines, press 2 to deactivate rockets, and engage the ascent autopilot. Sit back, and enjoy!!
  3. Yes, it's entirely possible. Mechjeb will just control it like it's a rocket. Just remember to switch control over to the top docking port before hitting the ascent autopilot. Also, your pitch controls will be reversed (pressing 's' will nose you forward and pressing 'w' will nose you backwards). I may try adding more intakes on my ship to get the most out of the turbojet engines before switching over to the Aerospikes, but I don't think I'm carrying too much jet fuel. Without the drop tank, The Bison almost jumps off the runway, but it doesn't have enough fuel on it's own to reach orbit. Therefore, it needs the drop tank. On another note, I was wondering how were doing that formation flying? Is that a mod? ::EDIT:: I took your advice, and stacked up some intakes on top of the jet engines. It was a great success!! I was able to reach orbit with a good amount of fuel left. Seen here with it's drop tank. In orbit, with more than enough fuel left to make rendezvous with the Orbital Silo. Craft file link updated. Again, requires Mechjeb. Bison Mk. VI: http://www./download/i8pyqi266scjwwt/Bison_Mk_VI_Proto.craft Spartan 300 Craft Depository: http://www./#s6p0uzlohzs2w
  4. What can I say? I'm extremely stubborn, must be the Irish in me. To those who have MechJeb already installed with their version of Kerbal Space Program, here is the craft file with Mechjeb: http://www./download/6xm81ez1mcxvtog/Bison_Mk_VI_Proto.craft
  5. Heavily influenced by the designs of CupcakesLanders, Spartan 300 Industries is proud to present, their first successful utility lifter class VTOL-SSTO, "The Bison" Mk. VI!! After much trial & error, some research and development, and some inspiration from the designs of the SHERPA and the OX Utility VTOL's from CupcakesLanders, I finally managed to crack the formula for getting something like this into orbit. I went back to a design that more closely resembles the Mk. III. Docking ports on the top, bottom, and both nose ends of the ship allow it to lift heavy payloads into space. There's nothing the "Bison" can't lift, and if one "Bison" can't do the job, it possesses the ability to "daisy chain" with another "Bison" unit in a line, to multiply it's power. This design is capable of an 80km orbit with the help of a Rockomax X200-16 drop tank with a basic jet engine underneath it. Although, it takes everything it has on board. Every ounce of liquid fuel and oxidizer, and every breath of RCS. Of course, running out of fuel is no problem, as it possesses the ability to dock with an orbital fuel station to refuel. Craft file will be available as soon as I get around to uploading it. Version shown does have Mechjeb equipped, but I will be offering a "stock" version as well. I also highly recommend the Mk. 2 Cockpit Internals Replacement Mod, available here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk2cockpitinternals/ Craft file with Mechjeb is available here: http://www./download/6xm81ez1mcxvtog/Bison_Mk_VI_Proto.craft
  6. To the people out there who have downloaded and flown the "Phoenix" Firebird Mk. X, whether it's the stock variant or the modded variant, if you have any questions regarding how to fly it, just pm me. But I did try to make the action groupings as simple as possible. Makes me glad to see that people are downloading my ship and having fun with it. It is able to be refuelled as well, but getting to the tanks is a little tricky with the armour on top.
  7. Speaking of, does anyone know when Macey's going to get going on this again?
  8. [stock] Spartan 300 Industries Elysium Warbird Class "Phoenix" Mk. X Heavy Fighter. Armed with 6 Havoc class ballistic missiles and 2 heavy graviton bombs. Initially designed to be an SSTO, but due to thrust to weight issues and lack of fuel, that idea was scrapped, and a launch stage was added underneath the ship. It is orbit capable, and it's missiles and heavy bombs can be quite devastating to large ships. We exclusively offer our services under contract to the SpiritWolf corporation. Proof of travel to Kerbin Orbit: As well as showing proof of travel, here's a video demonstration of this ship's firepower against HDF Harbinger Class Carrier - Medusa. As you can see, although the missiles are quite similar to those on the Isprit fighters, they're potential for destruction is quite devastating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oy0U-2tKCc ::EDIT:: Worth noting, the demonstration model does have Mechjeb equipped. Craft files: http://www./view/ij0a7l4sm91lv7m/Elysium_-_Firebird_Mk_X_Stock.craft (stock variant with launch stage) http://www./view/cg9ncmnzcn4n5nq/Elysium_-_Firebird_Mk_X_HA.craft (demonstration model, requires Mechjeb, KSX Stock parts expansion)
  9. Those are pretty damn badass!! Mostly all I've been developing are medium fighters and SSTO's.
  10. Hello everyone, long time lurker, first time submitter, and big fan of Macey Dean. Love the fact that I found this thread. Anyways, I have a ship I would love to submit. I've called it the Elysium Class SSTO Firebird Mk. VI Name: Elysium Class SSTO Firebird Mk. VI Company: Spartan Industries Class: Frigate SSTO Part Count: 128 parts Armament: 2 Anti-fighter ballistic class missiles (currently), 2 heavy decoupler bombs canisters. Propulsion: 4 Turbofan engines for atmospheric flight, 2 toroidal aerospike rockets for space flight, RCS. Proof of Orbit: Here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1010056_10151718132126815_901933331_n.jpg Download: PM me with an email address and I will send you the craft file. Allegiance: SpiritWolf. The version I have here does have mechjeb on it just for the sake of helping it get to orbit, but for experienced pilots I do have a stock version available. Everything is set up in action groups for this ship. 2 - Toggle Turbofans 3 - Toggle Aerospikes 4 - Toggle Landing Gear (wheels) 5 - Toggle Landing Legs (although currently they don't reach the ground... 6 - Toggle Ladder 7 - Toggle Communotron Antennae 8 - Fire Missiles 9 - Drop Bombs Getting this flying is very simple if you start from a vertical base from the runway. Engage all engines with space bar, then press 3 to disengage the aerospikes and engage ASAS. Pitch over to 45 degrees and climb while gaining speed. Press 4 to bring in the landing wheels. Start monitoring intake air, and before 0.16, engage rocket engines. Before reaching 0.11, disengage turbojets. Engage RCS to keep stable at this point and monitor it. Climb and pitch to prograde to build an 80km orbit. Once there, orbit may decay, so use RCS to raise orbit on both sides to a stable height, 95km should do it. It is able to dock via the Clamp-o-tron Jr, docking port on the top. I may add a couple more pairs of missiles for this to make it a bit more mission capable, but right now, it's more a play toy than anything.
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