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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. You really should not have said brony becuase well google has all sorts of stuff
  2. wait how are we even still in the elevator ? (and you really should not have said brony becuase well google has all sorts of stuff )
  3. http://nickhough.blogspot.com/2005/10/warhammer-40k-jokes.html
  4. larger wings and more intakes + throttling down at high altitudes or turning some engines off will help
  5. Bronies because ponies are just as awesome as elephants and flaming pigs (and just because I have to put something in here that goes with my avatar)( and if you're wondering about flaming pigs just ask) What foul sorcery is this how do you still live? Repent foul demons
  6. terminator no not the fake arnold schwarzenegger terminator I mean real terminators. Y
  7. wow that brings back so many memories. (landing on winglets)
  8. the inquisition has order the exterminatus of the planet you have 1 hour. (if you don't know what exterminatus is google it)
  9. purging all space ponies and talk of space ponies and bronies. For space ponies and bronies are heresy (there probably demons too).
  10. hum maybe I am just lucky but space kraken has not visited me yet
  11. no I did not take a screeny. still have the craft though
  12. way back when where you had to use fins as landing legs
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