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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. Granted but they are flaming $$ I wish that DE would fix Warframe
  2. 10/10 are we just going to go around in circles?
  3. half true(only for macey dean) the next person dose not think Taiwan is a country
  4. banned for using something as a banning thing
  5. then that means you're space is worthless
  6. mine the MML (mobile missile launcher) VV-1x 1-4 fires the missile groups 10 toggles larders and solar panes. to fire first brake. then press g then ether space to fire all or 1-4 range is 14.7 km in"smart mode"( ie with sas on) craft file: http://www./folder/ln9ang56crb0b/KSP?(ignore the other ships in there please there not done yet)
  7. true (why you ruin all the fun) The user below me has no idea what flaming pigs have to do with elephants
  8. all the ponies...(you walked into it)
  9. mine is name of craft+letter+letter + # +letter X=space V=Atmospheric #= design order #+x=military #+v=Aid ship #+z= station example Light scramble interceptor (LSI) XV-1x
  10. Run around screaming Bronies because why not
  11. Granted but since I have no idea what that is I give you the wrong thing I wish that I was not in high school better known as legal torture
  12. true. just because I like quotes moar The use below me has no idea what the following quote means "Bronies are just awesome as ponies, elephants, and flaming pigs" and don't answer it mrrpamplemousse
  13. Then that means all of space is worthless
  14. 8/10 dat face and da accent and WAAAAAGH
  15. banned because why not, 42, and Bronies are just awesome as ponies, elephants, and flaming pigs
  16. 1/10 seen you once and you tried to kill me
  17. not really and it takes about a year to get them back
  18. only problem is time is a rare commodity and I suck at making large crafts great at small one though.
  19. still here and i have almost perfected my LSI line oh and my land missile thing because why not. the MML (mobile missile launcher) VV-1x 1-4 fires the missile groups 10 toggles larders and solar panes. to fire first brake. then press g then ether space to fire all or 1-4 range is 14.7 km in"smart mode"( ie with sas on) craft file: http://www./folder/ln9ang56crb0b/KSP?(ignore the other ships in there please there not done yet)
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