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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. granted and you blow up the elevator I wish for cookies
  2. false (HA I didn't fall for it) the person below me has no idea where I live
  3. banned for starting the cycle again
  4. granted but the entire worlds turns into bronies
  5. granted becuase (for real) I wish I could go to sleep
  6. Banned because I am running out of things to say
  7. granted but I wont so I wish people would stop ninja'ing others
  8. granted because reasons and too lazy to make it bad I wish more people under stoud this
  9. Bronies and ponies(of an alternate evil universe)
  10. granted but you lose your copy (I have DOW II: retribution well worth the $$ also elite mod oh and steam game trading/loaning) white text
  11. banned for asking to be banned for something
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