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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. haven't seen HL 3 post yet so... btw i have no idea what half life is other than it's a game that everyone want's a 3 of. (no not trolling)
  2. also "x" for symmetry and "c" for angle snap ctl + z for undo alt + click for copy. (it's also on the wiki)
  3. no your not. version 1.0 of ksp world of warship "we fix everything update" for warframe
  4. it is in C. "it keeps my 8350 down to 15C/35C Idle/Load."
  5. um I think the space kracken killed your links edit: fixed it for you Kerbal Khronicles - 01 - Newcomers Kerbal Khronicles - 02 - Broken Kerbal Khronicles - 03 - Ghosts, Part 1 Kerbal Khronicles - 04 - Ghosts, Part II Kerbal Khronicles - 05 - Slaves to the Kraath, Part I
  6. Question why do space planes drift forward on the runway. and why do they drift sideways during take off even if both sides are exactly the same
  7. Ksp will turn into the bigest sandbox game in history
  8. USSR just because they can go to space and the USA has to ask russia(a large part of the USSR) to take them to space
  9. I don't think your will need to do anything special just swap the parts.
  10. just finish and wow... it's really good. I like how you also have pictures with it.
  11. ok, befor I spend mass amounts of time building a station do you think we need a KDF/KDS(kerbin defense fleet/station) ?
  12. sure just give credit where it's due edit: do you want the .craft file?
  13. ok so drop pods... also woks as a base( yea yea it's moded this was just a proof of concept.) deorbit burn reentry seperation proof they survive why do you guys think?
  14. Got a question for the op. what mods do you use?
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