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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. what's your budget and what will you use it for?
  2. 5/10 keep it up and you will get to 10/10 in no time...and be converted...
  3. false the user below me is a hater
  4. banned for not having adequate anti virus. (royal canterlot voice)
  5. eeyup the user below me is also one
  6. 42 the user below me will eggnog all the things
  7. Banned for banning a person the used THE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE...
  8. banned "because dangly bit all the things"
  9. 8/10 quote and a guy with a flute...
  10. 9/10 I don't do silly old... ex. here, here, here and here
  11. granted it's your mom...that you never knew I wish for nogpone...
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