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Everything posted by Kolt

  1. Here are a couple of ships I've been working on so far. Ship- Merlin P-7a Company- Drill Co.- Tartarus Project Company Bio - While the company's focus has always been interplanetary mining of resources, after the "Laythe incident" happened between Spiritwolf and Hanland the board of investors felt that their assets could be at risk. A select group of engineers were selected to create military grade vehicles that could be deployed ASAP. The name given to this group was Tartarus Project. While it is a very new division of the company, they have already completed a few prototypes that can be used right away. Part Count- 34 parts (unarmed) Ship Description- The Merlin is Drill Co.'s answer for a small, low cost, ship that can defend assets and stay in assignment for long periods of time. Allegiance- Spiritwolf Manual- 1- Toggle Engines 2- Toggle Solar panels 3- Toggle RCS Proof of Travel- Coming soon Craft File- Coming soon Persistent File- Coming soon Ship- Sparrow Company- Drill Co.- Tartarus Project Company Bio - While the company's focus has always been interplanetary mining of resources, after the "Laythe incident" happened between Spiritwolf and Hanland the board of investors felt that their assets could be at risk. A select group of engineers were selected to create military grade vehicles that could be deployed ASAP. The name given to this group was Tartarus Project. While it is a very new division of the company, they have already completed a few prototypes that can be used right away. Part Count- 214 (16 missiles) / 118 unarmed Ship Description- The Sparrow is the first highly effective fighter by the engineers of the Tartarus project. Allegiance- Spiritwolf Manual- 1- Toggle all engines 2- Toggle outer engines 3- Toggle center engine 4- Toggle solar panels Proof of Travel- Coming soon Craft File- Coming soon Persistent File- Coming soon
  2. When you are on the ship, go to map view and select the information icon on the right. It'll give you the correct part count.
  3. Aaah, that explains it! Richfry didn't exactly jump off the ladder. It was more like a stupid fall. Same difference tho. Well, at least now I know. I just hope it doesn't happen to me too often, considering that it did glitch the craft out of system and even left it without engines. Fingers crossed
  4. Yhean, tell me about. I've had weird things happen in the game before, but nothing quite like this. All is not lost tho, the mission consisted of 3 ships that were flown on 2 different flights. One carried the crew, the lander, and the return ship, while the other carried 4 mapping satellites that I got on polar orbits around Duna and Ike. I think I might cheat a bit and get the last kerbal down there using the debug menu just to plan a flag to remember this happened
  5. Sooooo, today I completed my very first interplanetary travel. I went for Duna after seeing that it was perfectly aligned for transfer. I was really excited about it and took a ton of screenshots but after landing, well, something weird happened... Let me explain: On my third try down, I finally landed... upside down, somehow Lozer made the best of it, but I eventually reloaded to my last quicksave. This is where it get's interesting. I landed the thing, this time right side up. It was all going well. Lozer went out, planted the flag, and wrote down the stuff, which was great. I just needed to get Richfry out to take one last screenshot before returning to orbit... But when Richfry EVAed, he hit the ground and things got weird. Everything disappeared. And I mean EVERYTHING. No planet or moon was visible. All my flights were gone and so was the sun. The tracking station still said they were there tho. I eventually tried to go back to my last quicksave, but nothing really happened. Everything went back to normal after closing and reopening the game... Or at least that's what it seemed until I noticed this That's my Duna lander! The crew is gone, but they're not on Duna. The flag is also missing I went to map view only to see this Anyways, I still got one more kerbal on Duna orbit, so I may try to land him, but it's gonna be close to impossible, considering that the remaining ship isn't a lander xD
  6. I accepted your direct challenge, ShachonianX! Could've probably gone further if I had used more middle sized decouplers instead of the big ones, but meh. At least it was fun
  7. I did this using a medium size core. Now it's on to putting a Kerbal on there with a parachute Love seeing them fly away Almost at the highest point
  8. I have about 34-37 (recently ended a few flights, so I can't remember the exact number.) But 9 of those are satellites, 7 of which are mapping the Mun. I have 3 habitats in the Mun along with 4 lighting rovers that mark my landing area. I have 2 refueling stations, one in a 250km orbit from Kerbin and another on a 150km orbit on the Mun (kethane mining .) I have about 4 hauler ships on Kerbin SoI, a skycrane orbiting the Mun, a bunch of stuff I'm testing on KSC... Oh, and the last thing I can remember is an interplanetary ship turned into a space station after a big accident (BOOOM!) I'm planning on deorbiting that one after I rescue the 18 kerbal crew
  9. This is an awesome fact about Michael Collins:
  10. Try having the ship clop through the floor of he VAB. In my experience, when you launch the craft it will automatically check the lowermost point and have it above the launchpad.
  11. Docking something with that big of a gap in Kerbin is just not possible. If gravity was lower, then the magnetic force could do it, but because the vehicle is at "full weight" it is impossible for the docking port to lift it that much. The docks will work no matter the direction of the handles on the sides, so you don't have to worry about it. My suggestion? Use the small landing legs that deploy almost vertically (forgot their name) as to lift the rover somewhat closer.
  12. Wobbling tends to get worse if you have more than a single ASAS unit after docking. The most efficient way to stop the structure from wobbling in that case would be to turn off SAS and then time accelerate for a second as to have it stop.
  13. Hmm, I don't think they always point to the same direction... or at least not in the Mun. I usually just keep taking the flag down, turn a bit, and place it down again until I have the angle I want I haven't tried planting more than 1 flag on Kerbin, so I can't say that it is true there.
  14. Awesome! Thanks Now I can plant it on what is going to be my new Mun base (you know... after the Mun got fat and ate the last one)
  15. I simply had to try this! Awesome challenge and a lot of fun if you use avionics package Had to turn off the engine so that I wouldn't over shoot it and so that I could align myself with the runway. I do have to say, and you can see it on the top left corner, I have crew manifest installed. Doesn't really help the craft (that I'm aware of) and in the end I didn't even use it since Bill was on one of my space stations and I was to lazy to bring him down
  16. Could someone please do this flag for me? I wanted a flag that had the third to last blob from the bottom line of this picture and then wanted the text: Tartarus Project, Project being smaller and under Tartarus.
  17. 1) To backup your files all you got to do is copy the entire KSP folder to a secondary location. If anything goes bad with the mods you can just replace the whole folder. It's faster that way. 2) The saved games are inside the KSP folder(C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/KerbalSpaceProgram/Saves) Simply copy the files to a secondary location. If you backed up the whole KSP folder already, you don't really need to do this tho. 3) Installation is exactly the same. Just make sure you follow the installation instructions of each mod. In 0.20 they added a new folder so that you can more easily install mods, but you can get a lot of .19 mods to work on there by installing them the old way. 4) If you had mods installed before, you should backup your saved files and then delete the KSP folder and download the game again so that you have a fresh folder (no mods.) I had to do this because I had so many conflicting files of mods that didn't work. But don't worry too much about it, a lot of mods are being updated already and some of .19 ones work still on this new version. Happy flying!
  18. That's the beauty of the Crew Manifest mod! Anytime I'm doing testing for ships, I'll just pick a random Kerbal to try it out first, just in case they die. Once I know the rocket or space plane works, then I use Bill, Jeb, or Rodzer to get things done with the help of the mod. It's also helps to fill up all the pods on a ship at the launchpad, which saves time in the long run
  19. If what's moving is the nozzle of the engine, then that means that Gimbal on the engine is on. Now, if the WHOLE engine is moving, it's hard to say. I've never really seen that happen if I understand what you mean. The other thing that could be going on (you're gonna have to tell me) is that the whole stack is wobbly. In that case you could decelerate or, as you said, use some struts to try to stabilize the stack.
  20. I made a very similar one after watching Scott's videos except that I placed a dock directly on the cabin and just carry a smaller tug on it for smaller crafts or tools. I do agree with musketeer, tho only to a certain extent. The thing can pull one of two modules at a time pretty well, but more than that it's just not worth it. You should probably think about making a bigger one in case you want to move whole stations at a time
  21. Thank you I have actually used the Drawing Board a couple of times in that past. It is a great resource and has taught me a lot since I started
  22. After looking at this thread for a long while now, I decided to come up with my own crafts. I made a bunch of them, but these two are my favorite ones Sparrow The ship is orbiting around the moon right now. It has 3 docking jr ports a bit hidden, perfect for missile, although I would get those into action groups since it might be hard to click on them. Sparrow Mk. II After flying around with the first one, I thought it needed a bit more BANG. Soo, I added more fuel, armor, and better engines (should've used the nuclear for efficiency, but this is meant to go fast! They can easily be replaced tho.) This time, I actually loaded some missiles and created action groups for them. It hold 12 missiles and will shoot 4 at a time if you go with the action groups.
  23. This was my very first attempt at constructing a space station and even at docking. Nothing too spectacular, but it's something. The last part, where the two space ships are docked, I added later on in an attempt to re purpose the station. This was my second station, but I eventually got bored and abandoned it. Since I was dealing with some lag, I connected my hauler and an old core from my 3rd station on to it. Gaia And finally, my pride, but still simple enough so that my laptop can handle it while I'm on vacation, my refueling station! Eros I included 2 small thugs on the center there after replacing the old core that's now on Gaia. Initially, I had built a smaller core that seemed to fit there perfectly on the VAB, but I had to scrap it after I found out, the hard way, that it was too short.
  24. My first post/thread here, but certainly not my first time on the forums. This place has really helped me out to find inspiration for new ships and how to get things done. I really like the community and thought that it is about time I actually joined in! I've had the game for a bit of time now and have sunken in over 150 hours on it and I can say they are well worth it. Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself to you all before roaming around the forums I'm planning on posting some pictures of crafts I've made so far soon, so look forwards to that
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