After the resounding success of Deimos I, who made a successful return trip to Duna and back, the KSA planned a trip to a planet generally forgotten by the Kerbal race - Dres. It has no moon, no anomalies and attraction of any sort, but that won't stop Phobos I from going there anyway! The brave crew of Deimos I pose for a picture after their return to Kerbin. Eager to start my next mission, I assembled the Phobos I in orbit. The only difference between this and the Deimos was the lander. It had no chutes and also carried a small rover. I messed up my ejection burn horribly and I ended up completely missing Dres first time round, having to change it on the way back round the Sun. This was the view of the sun at my Ap.... looks cold. When I finally do reach Dres, it is at this point I realise the delta v requirements are a little different to Duna. I massively under packed on fuel and during my orbital insertion burn I had to steal about 75% of the landers fuel to finish it off. My mind immediately thinks to a rescue mission. Orbit secured, Bill and Jeb strap themselves in to the lander (fully aware they won't be coming back of course) and set off for the surface. Meanwhile, Bob breaks the news to Geofmal, the youngest astronaut to board a spaceship. Down goes the lander. Boom! Touchdown on a steep hill - good thing Jeb was at the helm. Bill has an issue with the rover... *sigh* Not even Bill can fix this.. Thats it thanks for reading, just thought I would actually post one of my missions that I did for once, except this one went horribly wrong. It was fun to plan all this out even if I did completely mess up all of my calculations, but oh well