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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. Album. If Google Drive doesn't work let me know. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeVmxTaWgwYk5mbjA/edit
  2. OH! OH! I got my SSTO working! It probably could get to Duna, haven't tried though, but can you still use it in the Jool pic? EDIT: Jool too with in orbit refuel.
  3. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Thank you for all the help guys! I got my first SSTO into orbit and landed safely with LOTS of fuel left, probably enough for Duna! Thank you so much for the tips and especially you KissSh0t, I used that intake technique and it works like a charm, the landing wasn't great, and I had to use RCS on re-entry to keep the nose up, but that's because I didn't manage the fuel at all... so I could do better, it also need more struts. But I still love this beauty, haven't decided for a name yet.
  4. I like fan made thing, but the last fan made game I saw SQUAD wouldn't allow them to use names/title from the game, it was also a free game. I hope they let you. Best of luck.
  5. Banned for posting... again. (And where DID my sig go?!?!)
  6. Banned because you're not a honey badger.
  7. Professional Kerbal. With a beard, like it. Oops, forgot the rating. 7.5/10
  8. Lolwut. You think you have a big explosion...
  9. Lol. I got this lagless on med-high setting on integrated graphics. P.S. That's on my non gaming computer, don't worry, I have a sensible computer.
  10. Let me say, those of you that dislike the idea of this, please support the project, just for the other people... from the kindness of your hearts? *insert puppy face here*
  11. This should become the official SQUAD KSP legos, so then they will announce it all over the forum, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
  12. Hey guys, I as looking around and I found this awesome looking sim. It's not released yet, but I'm really exited for it. Check it out! www.space-simulator.com http://www.space-simulator.com/index.php/home It looks really cool!
  13. Saturn V, Falcon 9/9.1, and the Atlas V. I like all rockets though! I mean, come on, it's essentially a big metal tank of explodey stuff, then a thing underneath that makes the explodey stuff explode!
  14. Would you sell those models? I love them. I want to marry them.
  15. Originally Kerbals were 15 inches tall, but then when the parts were enlarged, they made the size 1 meter. Which means their most likely wont be life size Kerbal plushies.
  16. I oddly agree... Also, how did you make the pics? 3D modeling or do you actually have those parts?
  17. That's epic! The vid making thing and the island. You and Nassault together will make the best videos EVER. It's like, best renders + best videos = OHMYGOSHAMAZINGNESS *mind blown*
  18. I love every single dev and modder out there, and to anyone that THREATENS them for doing their JOB, should just leave, and try developing the best game I've every played by themselves. See what they think about it. Now, done with that, I wasn't really keeping up with Fez 2 but... WHY?!?! Why did it have to go?...
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