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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. See! It's like SMS! (Also, how do I join in on this?)
  2. Welcome... to my LAIR!... .. . Sorry. :3 I had to do that... anyways! Have fun! We do not guarantee your stay here will be 100% safe. We do not take responsibility of biting Kerbals, stray SRB's, and leaking fuel tanks. We also do not take responsibility of the Kraken, that is beyond our control. If you happen to encounter so said occurrences, please inform a moderater as they attempt to control this occurrence. This will not always end... "nicely". Also, if you do happen to be bit by a Kerbal, welp, say your goodbyes.
  3. I like watching this thread. It's like a slow mo SMS. Seems like everyone who posts here refreshes this page every minute.
  4. 'Tis my house. O wait. Nu, it's not. Obviously there's only one solution... FULL POWAH! RARR! *Thunk* Well. Pretty nice... but I want better...
  5. Suddenly wild dancing SRB's appear!
  6. *Facepalm* I was just flying one of the interceptors around and doing stunts flying between things... and, uh, damn Newtonian physics, I need to remember thrusters wont instantly change your direction. Lol, I may have smashed my ship to pieces while drifting sideways... stupid arcadey space fighters messing with my mind! I'll post pictures in a few minutes.
  7. Grr. I have the same problem! Come on! Let me spam Rareden's rep button!
  8. Please give us your secrets! And after that put this up for download please!
  9. Finally! My new flag! (Don't worry, I'll resize it)
  10. Mhm... mhm... sometimes this community is brilliantly awesome.
  11. Alright, cool, I know you'll make something great. If you happen to need a jet for the picture just give me a general rundown of how you want it to look and I could make it if you want. P.S. You have 599 posts.
  12. The amount KSP has grown and the rate it's growing at since I joined (not long ago) is astonishing, tons of people buy the game every day! A few of my friends bought it yesterday. :3
  13. So, Rareden, do you think the buzzing the tower idea would be possible? I've always wondered what a Kerbal with a fighter pilots helmet would look like.
  14. "This wont go anyway but badly" Lived up to that.
  15. Sorry to ask again... but, can I be a pilot? My info is on the previous page.
  16. Thanks. Awesome avatar. You have inspired me to make my own kerbal pixel art.
  17. That's...that's freakin' GENIUS! How did you make it? Did you just trace a picture?
  18. Yay! I had a Gooâ„¢ idea! (If you're wondering where the Gooâ„¢ thing came from, I was typing this, forgot the "d", and then inspiration struck.) EDIT: ANOTHER IDEA! Okay, so you know the 0.22 release animation? Yeah, so, you could make the little baby Kraken slipping out of the Gooâ„¢ canister with an evil look on his face...
  19. So, Space Engineers just came out, and if you don't know what it is, then go watch Scott Manley's video on it, it's currently in early alpha and not even close to completion. Anyways, what really makes it stand out is how good its destruction is for a voxel based game, yes, you can build ships, like Starmade. So if any of you happen to have Space Engineers, I want you guys to post videos, pictures, etc. of any awesome crashes or destruction... or, you know, anything, ships, epic screenshots, I don't really care, I just haven't seen many people talk about it here. I can't post anything now because the current computer I'm on is too potato-like to handle it...
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