I'm mostly wondering about PD and Skunky... I saw a link someone posted for a vid about PD, but it was blocked from me (And most likely other members). Wanting to know what's going on is sorta one of my weaknesses.. gr...
KSP was never meant to be a Steam game. So many people wanted it though. They probably don't want to waste time making achievements... consider your forum ribbons achievements.
My god this is amazing! You're a funny person with funny designs! Have a nice slice of rep! Edit: Once I get off mobile... WHY IS THERE NO REP ON MOBILE????
:sadface: I thought stock. If mods were allowed I could've made an awesome rocket! ...WAI DO YOU HAVE TO GO? ... I can't tell if I'm more upset that you're leaving or that I never got a craft rendered...
Yeah. One problem is that these replicas don't have their real life advantages... maybe if mods become compatible with KMP we can use the gatling gun mod or the Lazor mod.
Actually here's a rocket. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeZmhGYXM0cTZyRmM/edit?usp=drive_web P.S. It looks better than it works... Or does it look too generic? Should I make a new one?