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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. I'll get one tomorrow ASAP. Also, before you leave, do you think you can rip one of my jets for me? I want the model. But yeah, I'll post some rockets tomorrow.
  2. So I made a VTOL forward swept wing jet. After reading the Legend series by Marie Lu, and reading the part with the Colonies' jets I just had to make one in KSP. The VTOL forward swept wing idea sounded fun to make. So I did. After takeoff. Towards dat VAB. Here we go! Wai-nononononono... Welp. I landed!... sort of... I DON'T RECOMMEND TAKING SCREENSHOTS WHILE TRYING TO LAND ON THE VAB... Well then, carrying on... Action Groups 1. Toggle forward engine. 2. Toggle VTOL engine. Instructions 1. Brakes on. 2. Throttle to full. 3. Activate VTOL engine. 4. Gear up. 5. At about 100 M ASL, activate forward engine. 6. Around 70-80 m/s pitch up 5 degrees and turn off the VTOL engine. 7. HAVE FUN! Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeV291VG44bU9wejg/edit
  3. Why isn't this in the challenge section? Also, this sort of thing already exists.
  4. Meh, just click the link. http://gifmaker.me/PlayFrameAnimation.php?folder=20131110164MtVcZsTSb60okNgNfmHpv Jeb was piloting it...
  5. I have no clue what that is but okay. Oh is it architectural visualizations? If so, best of luck with wherever you go. *mutters* Damn it, now I have to learn how to do this myself... Also, what type of rocket do you want? A sensible realistic looking one? Or a completely over-engineered mammoth?
  6. You can have a .gif avatar. I'll post some of mine in a sec.
  7. Ugh, nevermind it flies terribly with the tanks... have a bit of work to do... Alright, got it working.
  8. Added the fuel tanks under the wings that F-15's have.
  9. Updated a few things. So now it's the F-15 C.
  10. Also, the tail fins on my plane seem to short, but I can't get the taller wings to attach right... you know the ones like the delta wings just skinnier? Yeah, if anyone can download the craft and get them attached it would be appreciated!
  11. Welp. Plane crashed, game crashed. I don't recommend kamikazeing one F-15 into the other...
  12. No. I'm more of an SSTO plane sort of person. So why are you done? Putting more time into videos with Nassault? I saw the ones that came out yesterday, they look amazeballs. But I'm still sad. Well, I mean what kind of rocket are you looking for?
  13. Well I heard you have to get 40 km away from the launchpad to be in the same "universe", but I'll ask the mod dev if it's changeable, 40 km seems absurd. I don't think any craft would interfere even at 500 m.
  14. Maybe if someone knows how to work the multiplayer mod we can fly in formation!
  15. See. I wish people looked at the Gentlemens Naval Battle Club thread more often. No offence, but compared to that this is nothing.
  16. Updated download with one that resembles the F-15 a bit more, also added an epic blur pic.
  17. So, I made this F-15 tonight. Flies pretty nicely. Looks nice IMO. Here are some pics and the .craft. Also a pic supporting the fact that fighter jets glide like bricks. Also, the pictures are outdated, the download has a more upgraded variant. Epic blur flyby! Epic sexy shot. Off to the island! Gear lowering. Final Approach. Nononono! Wait! SPOOL UP! COME ON!!! Welp. At least it looks cool! Craft file: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeS3hlbS1kWXpOSUU/edit?usp=drive_web I will be adding stuff/weapons. If you have any constructive criticism it is appreciated!
  18. You sir need a BUMP. Also, could you make a cool airforce sort of flag... I don't really care how it looks. I would like it without text, but if you want you can put something like KAF or Kerbal Airforce on it or whatever. Preferably without text. Thanks!
  19. Nooooo!!!!! Wai!?!?! I never got one made with any of my ships...
  20. Okay. Thanks, I had searched "ksp extra planet mod" in Google but didn't come up with much.
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