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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. Would discussion about modeling/texturing etc. be off topic?
  2. Hm, yes... but fly-by-wire systems seemed to help the stability... I guess you have a point. I just wish we could do what the Russians are with the T-50 and everything.
  3. -Rant Begin- Me really wants America to forget their F-22 and F-35 failures and make something as good as the Russians. Seriously, why can't they just take the incredible F-15 and make it fit the current generation?? Okay, okay, the F-15SE but still. The Russians are making 3 planes (I think) and all of them are incredible! Better by the F-22 and F-35 by a long shot... I really want us to make something as awesome as the SU-47... the forward swept wings are awesome... -Rant End- More on topic though, awesome planes!
  4. I might get he EVA Kerbal... but... I really need a Kerbal plushie... just imagine... Or really cheap plastic molds that aren't exactly "quality" but cheap enough to buy like 10 for 5 bucks or something. I would then proccede to strap them to my model rockets and blast them to space... erm, 1/400 of the way to space... but you get the idea!
  5. This isn't too bad of a necro, right? Anyways, NEW MODELS! https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kerbalspaceprogram
  6. Yeah, this would be cool. Raredens picture of Eeloo could become a virtual reality. Luk at dose bent girders.
  7. I know I wasn't saying you should add doors, I was just wondering if you had seen his shuttles. They're quite impressive.
  8. Nice shuttle. Better than I could do. Something else, do you watch Twitch KSP streamers? If so, have you seen EJ_SA? Because he makes insanely awesome heavy lifting shuttles with working cargo bay doors, I think you could steal, erm... use some of his techniques if you want to call them that.
  9. You guys are putting A LOT of thought into this without yet knowing if it's even POSSIBLE. But it's still awesome.
  10. No, a poll like this existed and Laythe won by a loooooooong shot.
  11. No he didn't Luna! Read my post and the credits, that scene was made by Rareden, he's an amazing 3D artist. Look at his thread called "kerbin art".
  12. Nonono. Rareden works with Nassault. He made them, have you not seen his thread? It's incredible. And the forest was in Outerra. Please, please, PLEASE read descriptions and credits!
  13. 4/10 But wai r u not a big mufin?
  14. Lol, this is sad... the best I can do is some wine glasses next to bread... mainly because modeling and texturing are not my friends... Mostly texturing...
  15. I know what you're saying, and I agree, but I can see from the picture that he has a lot of potential and could probably make something more... interesting... I mean, if the ball was instead a bomb with a lit fuse, which from what I can see in the picture that Rewdew has the capabilities to do that, it could be a lot cooler. I know the ball is probably just for testing different settings and stuff, and it still looks really nice.
  16. That's not what I'm saying. If he steadily advances into more complex modeling he will get better, things will become more natural. Modeling takes time, but you can't just keep doing easy things. Also, I never said it was bad, I just said that I like awesomeness and explosions...
  17. Awesomeness... Practice... that's what you told me. Making complex things is what will make you better.
  18. I see a slight shading difference... nothing much though... You're putting an awfully large amount of time into a ball... why not make something cooler... Like an F-15 blowing a MiG-29 out of the sky?
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