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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. So, after almost a year, I come back. I'm assuming many new people are here, so hi, I'm your local turtle, but anyways, what's changed since about .23 (I think?) that I should know of? But yeah, good to be back.
  2. I've been gone from this forum for a while... like, more than half a year, so has anyone 3D printed one of their ships yet?
  3. This is why status updates should be a thing.
  4. Aw. My screenshot button and hid HUD button aren't working. Did they ninja update on me when I was gone?
  5. I don't... what? EDIT: I think it would be too stealthy for me to blow up. And oh look, a year in the community. Yay.
  6. Ermagerd it's been like 5 year since I posted. I doubt anyone has noticed my absence though. ANYWAYS... post your tanks/ground vehicles etc. here. I need stuff to blow up. Reasons classified. Maybe. Might be for fun. ... I don't have any to share... I tried... it blew up... instantly. ... BUT YEAH. THAT. I WANT TO SEE YOUR TANKS.
  7. Can't you just say something nice instead of complaining about the fact he posted a video? And anyways, it isn't his video, the challenge was inspired from that video. Oh, wait, you're banned. Good.
  8. Not sure you got my earlier request.
  9. Do you have any texturing experience? Because if you don't you'e gonna have a hard time...
  10. Well, some constructive criticism but... it looks quite Photoshopped, which I assume it is, and it needs some work on the shading... you can't really just copy and paste and call it artwork, the shadows look really wonky... like on the dark side of the moon, but a perfectly lit ship? Also, the explosions seem slightly low res. But otherwise it looks decent.
  11. Well, yes, but it doesn't add any parts or cheaty stuff. It allows you to set a "alarm" sort of for maneuver nodes, and will alert you when you approach a node and stop time warp. It will stop you from overshooting and allow you to perform multiple missions more easily.
  12. You should use Kerbal Alarm Clock. It does exactly that.
  13. Mmm... "my rokit wont go 2 spase. u devs r so bad u cant evin make a gud gam. i cant even get my amazin rokit into spase. i put big engin on thing. y it no work?!/111?//1/!!!?" Nah... I'm fine without that...
  14. Ah... uh... dang. I should learn to model... Oh wait... can anyone here tell the difference between a render and picture?... No? TO THE STORE FOR A POTATO! EDIT: GOT ONE! Isn't it beautiful? Trust me, I made it all myself.
  15. All systems nomin- ah... oh... nevermind.
  16. Uh... rewdew... still don't like cycles?? Ok, oldish video but still. He explains the differences at about 0:50
  17. Welp, bye then. Gonna go spend 5 years learning how to do this stuff.
  18. 2 Kerbal models, some books, a Mars rock and a Moon rock (will post pics later)... uh... 2 Space Shuttle medallions, one with metal from an actual mission... ehm, oh yeah, and the one I'm using now, http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideapad/y-series/y510p/ (Note: Specs inaccurate, Lenovo changes the models like every day...)
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