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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. So I remember reading somewhere that if you bought the game before April you get all post 1.0 expansions for free. So I bought the game on April 26 after, like, 4 months or so on the demo... and I was wondering that this means I wont get the expansions for free, right? The thine that annoys me is that I was gonna get it in late March but I forgot... grrrr!
  2. I want explosions. I don't know, I just want them. I guess if there was a rival space program and their mission exploded that would be nice...
  3. One that I don't have to worry about sabotaging my flights...
  4. That's not totally generic at all... and also, give me my avatar back! You stole it! And then you re-cropped it to make it look different! Edit: I'm gonna make my own Kerbal by editing the persistence file. Someone give me the best name one of their Kerbals have had.
  5. Also, I'd like to say to all MechJeb users flying the Atlas V 551 and can't stop it from veering of course with MJ, what you have to do is this. 1. ASAS on, no MJ though. 2. Launch 3. When SRBs run out, decouple them and turn on MJ. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
  6. Now to beat the record... my craft might be capable, I didn't even make orbit but still got that speed.
  7. Woop! First try! 2,233m/s! Not a great run, could probably get around 2,240m/s. Takeoff Phoenix! FAST! (It say my surface speed is 2,236m/s but on the flight data, it's 2,233m/s. Yeah!
  8. But WHY?!? And, dang it dude! You almost broke my screen with that sig!
  9. As they spill coffee on themselves and shake their fists at us angrily!
  10. You're so lucky! GRRR! Hey, buy me a model F-15C and a C-17 Globemaster III! Nah, just kidding... but that would be awesome...
  11. I learned that when I de-orbited a Kerbal on to Jool... that image will forever be stuck in my head... *shudder*
  12. Watch some of Scott Manley's vids, he explains nodes nicely, I always use them, even for the simplest stuff, like orbits, they allow for perfect and efficient orbiting, once you get the hang of them. Have you done any interplanetary missions yet? They really help during missions like that. Never would have gotten my first rover on Duna without them.
  13. *Calls out* Hey! Nova! HarvesteR! Over here, and you too Chad *Insert every other dev here*!
  14. So, as we all know, the engine effects aren't all that realistic, lust big blue flames with very little smoke. So I was wondering if anyone knew of any mods that would add better engine effects, or maybe if it's planned in a future update. ( I think I read somewhere that is is...) Rareden made some cool engine renders in his "kerbal art" thread, they are around the last page.
  15. Yay! I was the 600th poster with my terrible joke!
  16. Maybe if we're REALLY lucky we can get a dev to sing a few lines!
  17. Chimer4, for some reason on my "gaming" computer (it's about the power of a potato), I can't warp past 4x on the launch pad, everything starts to "slide" apart, but on my non-gaming computer (about the power of a drained out potato) everything works fine. I'm on my drained out potato computer right now so I can't post pics but I will ASAP. Also, is there any point on keeping my sig like this?... I can't exactly be a tester when anyone can use it...
  18. I could send in some explosion clips for the Boom De Yada part. . I would love to send in audio for the Boom De Yada part but I'm probably too young, my forum age is like cake, a lie...
  19. MORE MORE MORE MORE! Heh, anyways, amazing story, loving it, and if pictures were gonna be used, you should see if Rareden can make one for you. His thread is the "kerbal art" sticky, if you haven't, you should check it out.
  20. Omg! This is amazing, really looking forward to the next chapter!
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